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警察也无能为力。The police could do nothing.

它对复制自己无能为力。It's incapable of repeating itself.

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而刑法规定的重婚罪却对此无能为力。But the crime of bigamy is helpless.

痛恨自己无能为力或被轻视Hates being powerless or trivialized

但是,对于网络和生物威胁,我们却无能为力。Not so for many cyber and bio threats.

美德无能为力,诗歌无能为力。Virtue does nothing. Poetry does nothing.

“拥有这些电信设备”,我却无能为力。With all these "teles, " I was powerless.

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西太后本人当时并非是无能为力的。Even the Dowager had not been as incompetent.

我可以拥抱你,如果我的双臂没有那么无能为力。I would hug you if my arms weren't so nubbly.

医生来过这里,可他也无能为力,克丽丝汀在我的怀里昏迷了好几个消失了。The doctor has gone. Christiane is in my arms.

还有,如果用户点击交叉口的话,系统也无能为力。And god help the user who clicks on an intersection.

“我们根本无能为力了,”实习生伤感地说道。“Nothing much for us to do, ” the intern said grimly.

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我头发烧焦了,但是我们无能为力。My hair was singed, but there was nothing we could do.

有语言障碍的孩子常认为他们对学习无能为力。Dyslexic children often think they are unable to learn.

已经过去而又无能为力的事,悲伤是徒劳无益的。What's gone and what's past help, Should be past grief.

如今我无能为力,只能等候他的回复。I could do nothing now but wait for his counterproposal.

眼见朋友死亡,自己却无能为力,他们感到深深的悲哀。They cannot help but be grieved by the death of a friend.

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我渴望能够减少邪恶,但是我无能为力,而且我自己也在忍受折磨。I long to alleviate the evi1,but I can't, and I too suffer.

我渴望去邪拔恶,但我无能为力,因此我也感到痛苦。I long to alleviate the evi1, but I can't, and I too suffer.

我渴望能够减少邪恶,但是我无能为力,而且我自己也在忍受折磨。I long to alleviate the evil, but I can’t, and I too suffer.