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分属于不同的声腔体系。These two operas belong to different vocal systems.

第二章拉魂腔的形成及其声腔特点。Second chapter La Hun opera formation and tune characteristic.

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第一部分为宛梆声腔的来源形成及剧目特色。The first parts concludes the origin and opera features of Wanbang's ture.

使用有限元和边界元法分析了白车身结构和声腔的动态响应特性。FEM and BEM were used to analyse the dynamic response of the BIP and acoustic cavity.

一旦火灾气体经过该路径,将在不同吸收线上导致到达光声腔辐射量的减小。Fire gases were measured in an absorption path set between the IR source and the cell.

昆腔是几大戏曲声腔之一,在明代发展很快。Kunqu is one of the several operatic tunes developed very quickly in the Ming dynasty.

其腔调的形成离不开一个“化”字,即外来声腔的民族化和本土腔调的戏剧化。The tunes of Zhuang's drama have nationalized foreign tunes and dramatized local ones.

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秦腔是中国戏曲四大声腔中最古老、最丰富、最庞大的声腔体系。It boasts the most ancient, affluent, and largest musical system of all Chinese operas.

重点讨论了常用一维管状光声腔体的光声理论,并给出了数学模拟模型。This work focuses on the one-dimension PA cell and has given the model simulation of it.

目的探讨介入性超声腔内给药加硬化治疗肝包虫病的应用价值。Objective This report is intended to probe into the practical value of sclerotic treatment of.

柳子戏于清代初年曾经作为四种主要声腔之一盛行于北京,目前山东省仍保留有这一古老的剧种。Liuzi Opera, as one of four major tunes, was very popular in Beijing in the initial Qing dynasty.

朝廷倡导、保护昆曲,并抑制昆、弋以外声腔,江南民间深受这一戏曲文化政策的影响。Besides, it was influenced by cultural policy which was supported and protected by the government.

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一尊夺目的雕塑“金色的古兰经漩涡”被放置在广场中心隐蔽的声腔之上,向周围散发着无尽的光芒。The acoustic chamber is crowned by a Golden Quran Spiral radiating natural light above the ground.

计算结果表明,由于隔声罩内声腔与结构振动的相互作用,考虑声固耦合后,隔声罩透射损失曲线峰值较多。Because of taking the sound-solid interaction into account, there are more peak value in transmission loss curve.

从兴国州域龙虎道教音乐与民俗形态切入,以“龙虎道乐”中的五大声腔为依据,全面考察该乐种“阴阳”二律的辩证思维方法。This paper starts with the discussion of the dragon and tiger Daoism music and folk custom form in Xinguo State realm.

戏曲声腔史上,关于海盐腔的伴奏,是一个颇具争议的课题。In the history of characteristic tunes of Chinese opera, the accompaniment of the Haiyan tune has been a controversial issue.

二人都关注声腔的地方化、语言的通俗化,重视场上之曲,并在贯彻过程中,采用了相同、相似的戏剧因素。They both put much attention to the localization of the Tune of the opera, popularization of the lyrics, and the music on stage.

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围绕着光声腔MEMS化的目标,本文研制了一种高灵敏度小型化的谐振式红外光声气体传感系统。Around the goal of a MEMS photo-acoustic cell, this paper developed a highly sensitive miniaturized infrared photo-acoustic system.

他们为我们吹一曲德国爵士,用那蓝色的乐魂,用那铜质的声腔,用那辽远的伤感,猎猎地摇晃我们的心灵旌旗。They blow us a German jazz, with the blue soul music, with the bronze in tune, with the deep sadness, shake fiercely to our hearts.

作为以本土腔为主要特征,融合其它声腔的多声腔少数民族剧种,云南壮剧音乐中的衬词更是丰富多彩,魅力无穷。It is some kind of multi-tune drama from Yunnan minor nationalities, combining the characteristic of provincialism with other tunes.