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她有一个细柳条箱。She has a willow twig case.

一柳条箱可容纳的量。This jug will contain a liter.

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我们用斧头一敲就打开了柳条箱。We were using crates as seats.

我不会再要求主人到柳条箱去就寝。I will not ask my master to retire to his crate anymore.

卡罗莱纳州开局有柳条箱奖励,有一种AOK的尤卡坦半岛富饶经济的感觉。Carolina starts with bonus crates, for that AOK Yucatan uber-econ feel.

房间的周围随意摆放一些包装用的柳条箱。The room was bare of all objects expect several packing crates placed around the room at random.

一旦你准备好把宠物运到新家,就要把它装进宠物运输箱、笼子或柳条箱。Place your pet in a pet carrier, cage or crate once you are ready to transport him to the new home.

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我们把一些装满东西的柳条箱存到了新泽西北边的某个地方,我从来没想起过那些物件。We have crates full of belongings in storage somewhere in north Jersey and I've never thought about any of it.

另一个探员在对道吉特说悄悄话。两名技师推进了一个大柳条箱并且打开了它。Another AGENT whispers in DOGGETT's ear. Two TECHNICIANS wheel in a large object in a crate and begin opening it.

我们的隐士带上他的柳条箱子,和他屈指可数的财产,一个印着神像的铜币,一串念珠,鹿皮,还有一个铜碗。Our hermit packed his wicker box with his sparse possessions—a god's image in copper, a rosary, the deerskin, and a little brass bowl.

我们的隐士将自己为数不多的财产——一幅铜制的神祗画像、一串念珠,一张鹿皮、一个黄铜小钵——装在了柳条箱里。Our hermit packed his wicker box with his sparse possessions—a god's image in copper, a rosary, the deerskin, and a little brass bowl.

病原体能够像一个逃票乘客那样旅行,在鞋子或车胎的泥土中存活,也能在运送禽鸟的柳条箱和笼子中生存。The pathogen is able to travel like a stowaway, remaining viable in the mud on shoes or tires and on crates and cages in which birds have been transported.

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此项测试的目的是看母猩猩会不会想到将柳条箱垒到房间的中间,然后爬到箱子顶部去拿香蕉。The test was to see whether a lady chimp would think of first stacking the crates in the center of the room and then of climbing on the top of the crates to get the banana.

一个晚上,每个人都下班之后,我和海蒂开始休息,虽然我不抽烟,我们把两个柳条箱倒过来,坐在上面抽烟。One night, after everyone else had punched out, Heidi and I took a break, and though I wasn't a smoker, we set two milk crates upside down on the floor and smoked cigarettes.

商品必须能完好的摆放在隔底箱内,不能让它往前倾---如果产品很容易左右倾斜,那么包装内必须用上柳条箱或者指状箱。Items must be able to stand properly in the tray and not fall forward – if the merchandise is conducive to tipping then the use of "egg crate" or "finger" inners must be utilized.