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我们知道他们正在下坠。We know they're coming down.

地球下坠要多久呢?How long will the earth fall?

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感觉你的脖子和肩膀往下坠。Feel your neck and shoulders drop.

不断往下坠的。是我们。还是天空?Will it be us or the sky that falls?

崎岖的石级也纷纷下坠。The rough stone stairs are down falling.

由于梳棉棉网下坠导致条子过细。Thin card sliver due to web falling at cards.

大约六个月后,它开始了万劫不复的下坠。Around six months later it started a perpetualdecline.

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上个月最少有28宗铝窗下坠意外。There were at least 28 cases of falling frames last month.

最近的低潮就是一种眼看着自己下坠而没办法去拉一把的无力感蔓延。Life is a one-way street, and we are holding a one-way ticket.

而如果飞机飞的太慢的话,发动机就会熄火,飞机随之下坠。Then again, if you go too slow, the airplane stalls and falls.

要是你太靠近泳池边缘,就会体验在空中下坠百米的滋味。If you get too close to the edge, you're in for a 100-metre drop.

他此时唯一的想法就是让右膝关节向球位处下坠。His only thought had to be the right knee dropping in at the ball.

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无论朝前和朝后,陡直的下坠总是不必要的。No perpendicular fall is necessary, in front any more than in the rear.

SPI盔甲的内衬层膨胀了,吸饱了水,把他向下坠。The lining of his SPI armor swelled, taking on water, weighing him down.

她往下坠的速度很快,如果降落伞不快点打开,她便要一命呜呼了。She was falling fast, if she did not get her chute open soon she was going to die.

脚后跟下坠,然后再提起到与脚趾平齐.Let your heel drop down, press into the ball of your left foot and rise to your toes.

按照这个标准看美国经济长期疲软——现在则正从悬崖上下坠。By this measure it’s been a weak economy all along — and now it’s falling off a cliff.

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如果你在一座高楼跳下而不知自己在干什么,你会下坠并惊醒。If you jump off a building and don't know what you are doing, you may fall and wake up.

如果在两千英尺的空中发生动力状态下坠的话,你有足够的时间来调整恢复。If you’re settling with power at two thousand feet you’ve got plenty of time to recover.

生命是注定要变迁的,不自我超越就下坠。Life is bound to change, without self-transcendence it will surely fall into lower level.