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但我要克制。But I forbear.

克制乃是最好的治疗。Temperance is the best physic.

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表达方式要克制。Control your manner of wording.

自我管理意谓着自我克制。Self-rule means self-restraint.

克制是异端邪说的敌人。Continence is the foe of heresy.

她几乎克制不住自己。She can hardly restrain herself.

他克制自己不发问。He forbore from asking questions.

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喝酒是她克制不住的欲望。Drinking is a compulsion with her.

喝酒是她克制不住的欲望。Drinking is a compulsion with him.

我会克制住我的坏脾气的。I will keep my ill-humour to myself.

她克制不住自己暴躁的脾气,又发火了。Her fiery temper got the Better of her.

怎么克制自己冲动的情绪?How to restrain oneself actuation mood?

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她克制自己不吃肉和糖果。She allowed herself no meat and sweets.

直到如今,她还一个劲地克制自己。Even now her self-command is invariable.

他克制自己,不再提及此事。He forbears to mention the matter again.

他咬紧牙,克制着疼痛。He ground his teeth to overcome the pain.

让我们运用我们的克制态度和坚定信念。Let us exercise forbearance and firmness.

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他很有礼貌并且相当的克制。He was very polite and completely mortified.

我在也克制不住激动的心情。I couldn't contain my excitement any longer.

自我克制和打理一下精神面貌才是。Self-restraint and a little good grooming is.