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公园的景致非常幽美、洁净。Park scenery is very beautiful, clean.

那么那些增长缓慢的富裕国家又是何等景致呢?What about the slow-growth rich world?

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幻觉的风景如今就成了真实的景致。Illusionary landscapes are real landscapes now.

在心灵的沙漠中,干涸的另一面,景致独好。That's another side of the desert in our hearts.

这个景致是10元人民币上的那幅画。The view is what we see on the back of 10 Yuan RMB.

绝好的景致,坏在一只塑料袋上。A wonderful picture, but polluted by a polybag only.

这些景致已不再是停留在书本上的照片了。These sights were no longer just pictures in a book.

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夏日郊区的景致与声音扑面而来。The sights and sounds of summer suburbia assaulted me.

每次入住酒店,进房间我做的第一件事就是去看看窗外的景致。I look at the view when I first walk into a hotel room.

融入大自然中,享受自然景致中的五彩缤纷。Soak in the atmospITe. Enjoy the colors of the earthscape.

实在亦有一种奇绝壮绝的景致。There is really a kind of ever-beautiful and marvelous view.

这是我所见的国产电影中最适合我心灵审美的一种景致。This is what I saw the movie best for my soul an aesthetic view.

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这景致十分浪漫,和你所爱的人共同来体验茉莉亚岛吧。It is achingly romantic. Experience Moorea with someone you love.

大海无垠,晴空朗阔,这景致真美啊。The boundless sea and vast blue sky constitute beautiful scenery.

现在可好,他连自家窗外美丽的绿树景致也没能保护好。And now he’s failed to protect their pretty view of Carol’s trees.

只有这样一个夜晚的景致和声音才能把痛苦和烦恼催眠,让它们好好地安睡。The sights and sounds of such a night lull pain and grief to rest.

远观,同样具有“水碧山红”的丹崖景致特点。Far view, also has a" water Bishan red" Dan cliff scenery features.

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这个季节,红叶是岳麓山最吸引游人的景致。In this season, red Yuelu Mountain is most attractive for visitors.

好啦,让这惊人的景致让你大饱眼福吧!你饿了吗?!All right, feast your eyes on this incredible view! Are you hungry? !

那个地方有许多可以一饱眼福的景致。The place abounds in sights on which the eyes may dwell with pleasure.