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他们都十分轻松自如。They relaxed.

说点题外话,保持轻松!Take my word for it.

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你可以轻松地哭出来。You're able to cry easily.

他轻松的完成了任务。He breezed through the task.

波西塔诺是相当轻松。Positano is pretty relaxing.

这个消息使他的情绪轻松起来。The news lightened his mood.

布莱恩特过来补防,一个轻松的上篮!Back on Bryant, easy lay-up !

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空气里洋溢着一片轻松愉快的气氛。A brisk gayety was in the air.

创设一种令人轻松的环境。Create a relaxing environment.

可以轻松地安装和升级。Easy installation and upgrade.

他从容轻松地沿路行步。He was ambling along the road.

现在一切都变得轻松自如。It is all so easy for you now.

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感谢您选购倍轻松产品。Thank you for purchasing Breo.

快速轻松地滑舒适。Quick and Easy slip-on comfort.

非常轻松自在。So it's pretty natural. I mean,

你轻松掌控你手头的事,how you know what you're doing,

卸掉包袱,轻松上步。Drop your burden, walk breezily.

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他心里从来没有这么轻松过。Never has he been so fre ofwory.

总之,气氛非常的轻松。it's a very relaxed environment.

营造一个轻松的就寝时间Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine