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世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。That article things clarity all learning.

语言学家没有必要成为练达的音位学家。The linguist does not need to be a consummate phonologist.

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此款酒口感优雅而练达,呈现出圣埃米利永诱人、女性阴柔的一面。The wine is elegant and sophisticated, expressing the seductive, feminine side of St-Emilion.

中国悠久的文职传统使管理在古代就已经成为一门练达的艺术。With China's long tradition of civil administration, management was a refined art in ancient China.

她们疾走职场,信步人生,有世事练达的智慧,也有烂漫天真的赤子之心。They scurry workplace, wander in life, there are world urbanity of wisdom, also have brilliant naive pure heart.

约翰•契弗以一个练达的社会学家特有的犀利目光观察美国现代社会,尤其是居住在纽约郊区中产阶级的生活方式和道德观念。John Cheever, with a sociologist's shrewd and exquisite eyes, observes American society, especially the mid die class in New York and their ways of life.

混合了新大陆的自信练达和欧洲的浪漫风格,蒙特利尔的魅力就在于它的古老情趣和现代诱惑。Blending a confident New World urbanity with the romance of its European flavor, Montreal's charm lies in its old-world atmosphere as well as its modern attractions.

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我以处子之心思忆着澳大利亚原始的自然之美,美国著名学府的成熟练达之大家风范,法兰西时尚和艺术之都的优雅格调以及新西兰所呈现的野趣盎然…I fondly recall the natural pristine beauty of Australia, the sophistication of America's great universities, the style and glamour of France and the wild excitement of New Zealand.

诗歌既有清新自然、颇具理趣的山水诗,也有深沉练达、含蓄蕴藉的咏怀诗。There were scenic poems in fresh and natural style and with reason and bright characteristics, as well lyric poems of deep and sophisticated thoughts and of implicit and gentle patterns.

利物浦在这个月的转会窗里面至今一直没有动静,但芬威体育集团据称在转会截止期前,希望给予他们的新教练达格利什一些财政支持。Liverpool have been quiet so far in this month's transfer window, but Fenway Sports Group are understood to be keen to give new manager Dalglish some financial backing before the deadline.