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俊秀的蒙塔古啊,我真的太痴心了。In truth, fair Montague, I am too fond.

明澈,俊秀,健康的眼睛。Clear, beautiful and healthy looking eyes.

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这位是金俊秀,你们之前见过,记得吧?This is Junsu, you met him before, remember?

这是一个多山的俊秀国度。It is a very outstanding country with many mountains.

组合JYJ成员细亚俊秀的豪宅成为话题。JYJ member Xiah combination of luxury becomes a topic.

我敲了敲她公寓的门,然后一个俊秀的年轻男人翻开了门。After i knocked, a handsome young man answered the door.

不图捷径。以自身的俊秀为荣。Not looking for shortcuts. Take pride in their belovedty.

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一位俊秀的夏天在海南有蓝色的水和甜椰子。A handsome summer in Hainan with blue water and sweet coconut.

甚至比贺宸还要俊秀得多!Is even many more even handsome and talented than the He Chen!

她的身材也高挑,容貌也俊秀,不过和他的相似度仅此为止。She was tall and handsome also, but there the resemblance ended.

彼得真是一个美须眉,蓬蓬裙春天降落。他在高年级班中被选为最俊秀的男孩。Peter who was chosen the handsomest guy in the senior clrear end is quite an Adonis.

当我打开前门的时候,看见门外站着一个俊秀的少年,手里拿着一叠报纸。When I opened it I found a handsome young boy standing there with newspaper in hand.

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红色的圆柱,配着五光十色的门窗画梁,显得俊秀而雄伟。Red columns, doors and windows painted with a colorful beams appear handsome and ambitious.

有两个特别聪明和俊秀,看着最新夫妻笑话。可是第三个孩子却很丑很笨。Two of them were clean, smart, and handsome but the third child was dull, ugly, and backward.

我从未见过军人躺在军用棺材里的样子。马克看上去是那样俊秀,那样幼稚。I had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. Mark looked so handsome, so mature.

简约而时尚的设计,小巧精致,飘逸出俊秀的气质。The brief and fashion design is little and exquisite, shedding elegant and pretty temperament.

她爱上了一位叫威廉的年青人,他长得非常俊秀洒脱还很有礼貌。She felt in love with a very handsome young man called Willian, who seemed very polite and kind.

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年青人身着警服,俊秀洒脱,眼光擦过小小的咖啡桌,望着他的母亲。The young man, handsome in his new police uniform, looked across the small coffee table at his mother.

麦特.戴蒙自从跃上大萤幕之后,俊秀的娃娃脸与极佳的戏剧天分震撼了观众。Ever since he hit the screen, Matt Damon's boyish good looks and serious talent have thrilled audiences.

私以为俊秀唱情歌时眉毛间皱起的“川”字形是相当克里斯马的。I consider the little wrinkle appeared between his eyebrows when he is doing a ballade is very charismatic.