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这个孩子需要启发。This child needs enlightenment.

我希望国人们能够得到启发。I hope people able to be inspired.

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只是为了启发你们。This is just for your edification.

李利措辞巧妙的对话启发了他。Lyly's witty dialogue inspired him.

读伟大作家的作品来启发灵感。Read great writers for inspiration.

对这个问题你能启发启发她吗?Can you enlighten her on this subject?

这个戏剧性的梦启发了他很多。The dramatic dream inspired him a lot.

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我从这个故事中得到了以下启发。So here are my takeaways from the story

该作品让他受到很大启发。He was greatly illuminated by the works.

我从他的话中得到很大的启发。I found great illumination in his remark.

他说,这样或许可以启发他们。That, he said, might help enlighten them.

与阅读他人的梦想并从中得到启发。Read the dreams of others to get inspired.

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这个理论对现实生活有很多启发。This has a lot of real world implications.

顾阡陌听后很受启发。Gu buildings after listen to very inspired.

启发由伊娃做的瓦器片断。Inspired by a piece of pottery made by Eva.

了解如何通过电影启发化妆。Learn how to make-up inspired by the movie.

科学家由河蚌受启发发明新胶体。Scientists Create Glue Inspired by Mussels.

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感谢启发我们的著作者。Give thanks to authors who have inspired us.

无论谁进入这家的将会受到启发。Whosoever enters here must become illumined.

受日本台阶启发的木梯子。Wood stepladder inspirated by japanese steps.