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空气的福浮力和太阳的光焰The air’s buoyancy and the sum’s ray

穿救生服或者浮力背心。Wear a life jacket or buoyancy vest.

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这木筏依靠空汽油桶的浮力漂浮。The raft was buoyed up by empty petrol cans.

依靠空汽油桶的浮力漂浮。The raft was buoyed up by empty petrol cans.

每节海藻茎周围的微小浮力就足以使它傲然挺立。Tiny floats along each stem are enough to hold it up.

浮力给予我们自由,让我们随心而动。The freedom of buoyancy allows us to act as we truly are.

现代软式小飞艇,利用氦取代氢来保持浮力。Modern blimps use helium instead of hydrogen to maintain buoyancy.

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浮力让从橡胶鸭到远洋轮船的一切物体都能浮于水面之上。Buoyancy keeps everything from rubber ducks to ocean liners afloat.

粤西西向沿岸流受浮力与季风驱动。The West-Guangdong coast current is driven by buoyancy and monsoons.

毛发可以通过困住空气,使潜水服获得更多浮力。By trapping air, hair could make diving suits more buoyant, Nasto says.

在这种强风航行中,使用的滑板更小,因为它浮力更大。Smaller boards are used in this high-wind sailing, allowing for more lift.

因为冰有浮力,当汽车在冰上开过时,下面的水会形成一种水波。Because ice has give, a wave is created under it as the vehicle drives on top.

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这样减小了它们的浮力,使得它们在觅食的时候可以潜得更深。This makes them less buoyant and enables them to dive deeper in search of food.

它包括方位感、时间和节奏感、速度感、肌肉用力感及浮力平衡感。It includes feel for position, time, rhythm, speed, muscle strength and floating balance.

并得到熔池混匀时间与浮力搅拌功率密度的关系。The relationship between mixing time and buoyant stirring energy density is also obtained.

当浮力把空气向上推,而重力又把它向下拉的时候,就会形成大气的重力波。Atmospheric gravity waves form when buoyancy pushes air up, and gravity pulls it back down.

平流层飞艇在靠浮力升空的过程中,需要对其进行姿态稳定控制。During blastoff of the stratospheric airship by buoyancy, stable attitude control is needed.

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在地面实验中观测到的燃烧现象,包含了浮力的影响。In ground experiments, buoyancy influence impedes the understanding on combustion phenomena.

浮力与超压释放产生的水动力是油气二次运移的驱动力。Buoyancy and hydropower from release of overpressure drive the fluids to migrate in formation.

中性浮力使你维持在离开水底的地方的位置,避免压碎或伤害到脆弱的水中生物。Staying neutrally buoyant keeps you off the bottom so you avoid injuring delicate aquatic life.