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没有,他没有临阵脱逃。No, he didn't funk it.

罗伯特,现在千万别临阵脱逃哦!Robert, don't let go yet!

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你希望成为怎样的人?是被认为临阵脱逃者。What do you wish?Tobe known as a shirk.

他错过了机会,而且临阵脱逃。He let the opportunity slip and fled the field.

弗雷迪临阵脱逃,最终退出了这个计划。Freddy chickened out of the plan at the last minute.

他被指控在敌人进攻时临阵脱逃。He was accused of running away when the enemy attacked.

亨利想约苏出去,但是他后来却临阵脱逃。Henry wanted to ask Sue on a date, but then he chickened out.

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战斗一开始,几个胆小鬼就临阵脱逃。Several white-livered fellows ran away at the beginning of the battle.

设计一个危机的状况,看他会不会临阵脱逃。Put him in a designed crisis to see if he will escape or change his mind.

我想做一些我以前从未尝试过的事情,但是当我真正去做时却因为害怕而临阵脱逃了。I want to do something which I never do, but when I 'm doing it I chickened out.

那些士兵由于临阵脱逃的可耻行为受到惩罚。The soldiers were punished for their base conduct in running away from the enemy.

他报名参加骑马运动。但轮到他时,他却临阵脱逃了。He enrolled his name in the horse ride. But when it was his turn, he chickened out.

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人生,吹嘘一个庞大的阵容,包括一些当时在英格兰最好临阵脱逃的球员。Inside Life boasted a large cast that included some of the best funk players in England at the time.

导演和制片人不合,明星患了肺病,发行公司临阵脱逃。The director fell out with the producer. The star got pneumonia. The distribution company got cold feet.

塞德里克并不认同家庭观念,宁可临阵脱逃也不愿意被介绍给马修的父亲。Cédric doesn't believe in family and would rather be a renegade than being introduced to Mathieu's father.

最可怕的事莫过于知难而退,临阵脱逃,继而变成一个道貌岸然的伪学者。The most horrible thing is to quit and deserted, culminating in a seemingly sanctimonious pseudo-scholars.

麦凯恩的问题是大部分注意力都直接投射到了奥巴马身上,一些共和党人也临阵脱逃了。Mr McCain's problem is that most enthusiasm is directed towards his opponent, and some Republicans are jumping ship.

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我会和球队战斗到最后一刻,临阵脱逃的事情不可能在我身上发生。I can fight the last moment with the team, the matter which sneaks away at a critical juncture not possibly on my body to occur.

学会处理障碍是让你站稳脚跟并获得成功的最佳方法,临阵脱逃只会伤害你的自尊心。Learning to handle obstacles is the best way to stand your ground and succeed. While running away only undermines your self-esteem.

自己将领伤亡而没有斩获敌人将领的,按放弃防地,临阵脱逃论罪。If they lose their general and do not kill an enemy general, they should be considered according to the Law for Abandoning Their positions and Fleeing.