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“哦,不”玛丽修女慌忙的说。"Oh, not" said Sister Mary hurriedly.

巴顿慌忙说。Keep it on!" said Mr. Button hurriedly.

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他慌忙把一支枪塞进口袋。He hurriedly thrust a gun into his pocket.

刘慌忙又和警方取得联系。Liu flurried again and contact the police.

贝克兰和助手慌忙躲避。Baekeland and his assistant dived for cover.

众人从睡梦中惊醒,慌忙赶出门外。All awakened from sleep, flurried cast out the door.

这时,伏虎来到树林里,小蕙慌忙逃走。At this time, Tiger Woods, small Hui hurriedly escape.

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黄某慌忙逃跑,撞上电线杆倒地。Hwang hurried escape and hit the pole lying on the ground.

他象一头狼,看见笼门开了,总要慌忙出逃。He escaped impetuously, like the wolf who finds his cage open.

慌忙中,他爬上了一棵树,那两头灰熊也紧跟着往上爬。Kit climbed up a tree immediately, and the bears followed him.

这里的人们最普遍的感受还是压力以及慌忙感。the pervading emotion is, I'd say, just stress and hurriedness.

在慌忙中她把日常衣服扔得到处都是。Her week-day clothes had been tossed here and there in her haste.

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我慌忙站起来,整理好我的面纱,感谢她抽时间见我们。I got up hurriedly, adjusted my veil, and thanked her for her time.

韩疏影赶到典当行,慌忙把谢若雪送到了医院。Koreas thin film to pawn shops, hurriedly Xie Re snow to the hospital.

从厨房里传来约翰在慌慌忙忙做早饭的声音。The sound of John fussing about his breakfast drifted from the kitchen.

月霞与庆祥在争吵的当儿发现友慧失踪了。众人于是慌忙地找友慧。The two of them realise that Youhui is missing mid-way through an argument.

我早夙起了床,洗完脸,快速吃完早餐,就慌忙上课去了。I got up early, washed my face, had a quick breakfast and hurried to school.

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李中正回城后发现城门大开,他们慌忙赶过去查看。Li Zhongzheng back and found the gates open, they hurriedly drove past view.

多模妈妈趁亚修拉出门,慌忙去了芙蓉阁。While the multi-mode mother pulled out, flurried to repair the lotus cabinet.

走上讲台时,不要靠在讲台上,也不要慌忙开讲。When you reach the lectern, don't lean on it, and don't rush into your speech.