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好奇的先锋们稀稀落落的来到了这个舞蹈班。Curious pioneers trickled into the studio.

百老汇大街上稀稀落落地还有些行人。Broadway was thinly peopled with pedestrians.

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稀稀落落的枪声说明战斗结束了。The scarce shots spoke the end of the battle.

黎明到来了.稀稀落落的树干开始渐渐显露出来。Dawn comes. The sparse tree trunks take on color now.

太阳已经把稀稀落落地苔藓晒干了,他终于能够烧点热水来暖和暖和自己了。The sun had dried stray shreds of moss, and he was able to warm himself with hot water.

走在宽阔的道路上,稀稀落落的路人都在都在为自己的生活奔波着。Walking in the wide road, sparsely passers-by are all rushing forward for their own lives.

下了两天寒雨,心稀稀落落的散开了,抱着寂寞含笑面对。Has had two day of cold rain, heart scattered dispersing. hugs lonely is facing with a smile.

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他们能看到的唯一光亮,来自稀稀落落的火光,男人一群群围坐在旁边。The only lights they saw came from the scattered fires around which groups of men were huddled.

今夜图书馆走出来一会儿,在车灯的映衬下,看到了稀稀落落的雪花从天而降。Tonight the library to come out for a while, relieved against the lights, see the sparsely snow fall from the sky.

装饰通常稀稀落落以烘托音乐制造的氛围。The decorations are usually sparse and are only meant to highlight the atmosphere that is being created by the music.

“实际上”稀稀落落的“资料在任一8位非线性空间更低的极端可观地限制它有用的范围。”"In reality the "sparse" data in the lower extreme of any 8-bit non-linear space considerably limits its useful range. "

草地上稀稀落落地长着几颗石榴树,看起来应该树龄不小了,挂着几个小不拉吱的果实。Long grass, thinly How many pieces with pomegranate trees, trees do not appear to be smaller, do not pull squeak hung several small fruits.

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有时候,夏雾弥漫了全谷,草地就变成了白茫茫的大海,里面露出来几棵稀稀落落的树木,就像海中危险的礁石。Or perhaps the summer fog was more general, and the meadows lay like a white sea, out of which the scattered trees rose like dangerous rocks.

他人很矮小,也许只有大约1。6米,手脚枯瘦如柴,除了两耳之间有一圈稀稀落落的黄发之外,几乎没有头发。He was very small perhaps only about165centimeters with skinny arms and legs and almost no hair save for a ring of blondish remnants from ear to ear.

1492年,当克里斯托弗哥伦布到达美洲的时候,这片大陆上已经居住着几百个美洲土著部落了,但是他们稀稀落落地分散在各处。When Christopher Columbus reached North America in 1492, the continent was already populated, though sparsely, by several hundred Native American tribes.

选举观察团稀稀落落的到访,使这一问题更加恶化,因为组织上的不连贯性会导致大家更容易将各种建议抛诸脑后。This problem is exacerbated by the infrequent presence of observer groups, as the lack of organizational continuity means that recommendations are even more likely to be forgotten.

14日,在波洛夸内市举行的斯洛文尼亚与阿尔及利亚之间的比赛,也出现了大部分看台空空荡荡的现象,41733人的球场,仅稀稀落落坐了30325人。There were also large numbers of empty seats at Monday's match between Algeria and Slovenia in Polokwane, where the official attendance of 30325 was well down on the World Cup capacity of 41733.

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在我的印象中,一个镇不应是稀稀落落的有些好但却有些很残旧的房子,路上行人稀少,冷冷清清,没有闹市,没有繁华。So poor, in my impressions, a town should not be sparse, in this town, some houses are good, some are very klunky, so less people on the road, it was cold and cheerless , no busy streets, not noisy.