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泰瑞醒了过来,仍然头昏眼花。Teri wakes up, dazed.

她刚才一阵头昏眼花。She came over all dizzy just now.

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她从树上摔下来摔得头昏眼花。The fall from the tree dazed her.

你可能感到头昏眼花。You might suddenly feel lightheaded.

我觉得头昏眼花、心跳加速。I feel woozy, and my heart is racing.

头晕,头昏眼花乃至昏厥dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting

头晕-感觉头昏眼花或无气力。Dizziness-feeling lightheaded or faint.

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你有眩晕、头昏眼花等症状吗?。Do you have any vertigo, dizziness etc?

他从一座令人头昏眼花的高桥上往下看。He looked down from a dizzily high bridge.

我觉得头晕目眩、头昏眼花和心跳加速。I was dizzy and woozy, and my heart was racing.

我觉得头昏眼花、心跳加速。I feel dizzy and woozy , and my heart is racing.

我觉得头昏眼花、心跳加速。I felt dizzy and woozy , and my heart was racing.

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突然的强烈光射入他的双眼使他头昏眼花。The sudden bright lights in his eyes blinded him.

马尔科姆说他有时候饿得“头昏眼花”。Malcolm says he was sometimes “dizzy” with hunger.

颜色的快速变换使观众头昏眼花。The rapidly changing color dizzied the spectators.

她在稀薄的高山空气中头昏眼花。She was lightheaded from the rarefied mountain air.

她感觉体虚、疲倦、头昏眼花。She was plagued by weakness, fatigue, and dizziness.

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他们也可能会感到头昏眼花和胃里不舒服。People might also feel lightheaded and sick to their stomach.

壁炉里没有柴火,饥饿又弄得他头昏眼花。There is no fire in the grate, and hunger has made him faint.

头昏眼花和各种各样奇怪的感觉也是这个进程的一部分。Dizziness and assorted odd sensations are part of the process.