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谋求持久的不均衡。Seek persistent disequilibrium.

如何找出纳什均衡呢How do I go about that exercise?

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第一种是手动均衡化。The first is manual equalization.

为什么说这点就是纳什均衡呢Why is this the Nash Equilibrium?

两人就这样达成了纳什均衡So these are both Nash Equilibria.

谁认为那是个均衡Who thinks that is an equilibrium?

画一条白线内的均衡。Draw a white line inside the equalizer.

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玛卡可以均衡男性荷尔蒙吗?How Does MACA Balance Hormones In Men ?

负载均衡设备后部署了服务器吗?Are there servers behind load balancers?

举出一个你参与的特殊赛局,描述其均衡。Describe the equilibria of a given game.

显著均衡的3马力主轴电机。Dynamically balanced 3 HP spindle motor.

一顿均衡的饮食就是一手拿一个饼干。A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.

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但我们怎么知道那是个均衡But how do we know that's an equilibrium?

均衡的零售价格在世界各地。Equalized retail prices all over the world.

得出其博弈的混合策略的纳什均衡解。Get the Nash Equilibrium of mixed strategy.

也许中国的均衡损失是暂时的。Perhaps China's loss of poise is temporary.

这样比赛的场面变得均衡多了。The balance of play evened out rather more.

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此酒因烤面包的香气使风味更为均衡。The wine is balanced with flavors of toast.

你的房问设计的比例很均衡。Your room is designed with good proportion.

提出了测控网均衡调度的方法。A balanced scheduling algorithm is presented.