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FSH催促卵细胞在卵巢的成熟。FSH spurs egg maturation in ovary.

计数雌性个体体腔卵细胞。Oocytes of female coelom were counted.

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然而只有一个精子会让卵细胞受精。It takes only one sperm to fertilize the egg.

卵细胞较大,呈洋梨形。Egg cells were relatively large and pear shaped.

成千上万的精子试图是卵细胞受精。Numerous sperm trying to to fertilise a human egg.

研究人员把形成的精子注入到卵细胞中。The researchers injected the sperm into egg cells.

卵细胞里面的开放碱基对可以被CTCF识别。And open bases can be recognised by CTCF in the egg.

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动物的雌配子,既未受精的卵细胞。In animals, a female gamete, an unfertilized① egg-cell.

卵细胞表面分布着大量的微绒毛。The surface of the egg is covered with dense microvilli.

一个是卵细胞核,另一个是精细胞核。One pronuclei is derived from the egg and one from the sperm.

总共使用了277个卵细胞,却只有一只多利羊存活。In all, 277 eggs were used and only one lamb – Dolly – survived.

美国禁止为实验用的卵细胞受精。Fertilising these eggs for experimentation is forbidden in America.

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但是,mDNA只能通过母亲的卵细胞传给后代。However, mDNA can only be passed on to offspring via mothers' eggs.

人体中最大的细胞是女性卵子,或卵细胞。The largest cell in the human body is the female ovum, or egg cell.

减数分裂的结果就是使精子细胞和卵细胞结合。The result of this process is sperm cells ready to fuse with an egg.

一个次级卵母细胞分裂并最终产生两个卵细胞。One secondary oocyte divides and eventually grows into two egg cells.

奇石上卵细胞的右下方有二个不规则的图案。Rocks on the bottom right of the egg cell has two irregular patterns.

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V期卵巢为成熟期的卵巢,卵细胞游离。The ovaries at stage V were mature and the oocytes were dissociating.

疫苗阻断雄鼠精细胞同雌鼠卵细胞结合。The vaccine works by blocking Male sperm cell from joining feMale egg cell.

这就保证了她们提代的卵子全部为健康的卵细胞。This presented the availability of exceptionally healthy eggs, Cibelli said.