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那颜色适合你的肤色。That color suits your complexion.

他那白皙的肤色,宛如夏雪。White his rode as the summer snow.

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这种颜色适合我的肤色吗?Does this color suit my complexion?

她很高,很瘦,肤色是健康的小麦色。She was very tall, thin, and brown.

这种颜色适合我的肤色吗?Does this color suit my complexion?

他没有肤色歧视且性别中立。He is color blind and gender-neutral.

这是一个肤色稍黑,身体瘦小的男人。He was a slender dark complexioned man.

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广东人肤色为什么那么黄黑?Cantonese why so yellow and black color?

司机一头乌发、肤色黝黑,可能是个马耳他人。The driver was very dark. Maltese, maybe.

不管我们是白,或是红铜色的肤色。For whether we are white or copper skinned.

他是一个肤色发黄的青年,留着个背头。He was a sallow youth with hair combed back.

除了肤色外,黑眼圈也会让我看起来比较暗淡,暂时的解决方法也就只能靠化妆来遮盖。Temporary solution is to hide them by makeup.

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杰娜,这位32岁肤色黝黑的利比里亚人,是第一个站起来的。Jennah, a 32 year-old dark Liberian, was first.

妇己,望上往你很年青,而且肤色很赖。Madame, you look young and you have a fair skin.

头出来的时候,肤色黝黑,发式是黑人天生的埃弗罗式。As the head came out it was dark and had an afro.

他肤色不白,但皮肤光滑细腻。He is not white, but the skin is fine and smooth.

我愿精神把不同肤色民族感召。I wish spirit impel the different colors of skin.

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我认为这种蓝色的衣服不适合你的肤色。I dod't think the blue shirt fite your complexion.

高光调色请留神跟肤色的拆配。Please note that high-light color and skin colors.

肤色偏后则说明较多纳入偏于植物性食物。Yellowness in the skin reveals a plant-based diet.