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看看纳粹主义的理念。Look at the ideals of Nazism.

我很气,叫了他一声“死纳粹”。" Nazi death" I said angrily.

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纳粹和苏维埃仍在斗争Nazis and Soviets still dueling

法兰西,纳粹德国的邻居。Fuck France, Neighbor of Nazies.

当然,他是个不折不扣的亲纳粹派。Of course he was a plain pro-Nazi.

1940年6月,巴黎陷入纳粹魔掌。In June 1940 Paris fell to the Nazis.

纳粹国防军没有过冬的制服。The Wehrmacht had no winter uniforms.

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最初的芬达是个纳粹产品。The original Fanta was a Nazi product.

纳粹不仅仅是杀气腾腾的国家主义。Nazism was not only nationalism run amok.

观众中纳粹的百分率是多少?What percentage of the audiences is Nazi?

德国纳粹化以后,他在巴黎定居下来。With Germany- fied , he settled in Paris.

达濠,纳粹第一个集中营,完工。Dachau, 1st concentration camp, completed.

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导致了纳粹德国的野蛮暴行。that had led to barbarism of Nazi Germany.

慕尼黑曾在纳粹历史上起过特殊作用。Munich played a special role in Nazi history.

纳粹德国向苏联发动战争。Nazi Gemany levied war upon the Soviet Union.

所以我知道纳粹是惨无人道的。So I think I know what the Nazis were bad of.

我的祖父曾在反纳粹的战斗中受伤。My grandfather fought the Nazis and was wounded.

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他被纳粹追赶,途中他还杀了一名军官。He was chased by Nazis, and he killed one officer.

送葬人举起右手行纳粹告别礼。They waved farewell to their friends on the train.

还有些视频包括纳粹战争罪行的片段。Other video clips included Nazi-war-criminal footage.