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沙堤和障碍正在修建。Sand banks and barriers are being built.

今天的河流有着高高的泥堤、沙堤和弯道。Rivers today have high muddy banks, sandbars and bends.

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许多船只在河口的沙堤搁浅。Many boats have run aground on the sandbar at the river mouth.

意大利威尼斯与亚得里亚海仅有一道沙堤相隔。There is only a sand dike between Venice of Italy and Adriatic Sea.

1979年,以色列和约旦差点在耶尔穆克河一个沙堤上打了起来。Israel and Jordan nearly cameto blows over a sandbar in the Yarmuk River in 1979.

长江三角洲南部古沙堤的沉积特征、成因及年代。Sediment feature, cause of formation and time of the southern ancient sand bank in Changjiang Delta.

只要稍稍再瞄低一点点——哪怕那些坦克是躲在沙堤后面也会被炮弹轰回老家。Just a matter of aiming a bit lower- even if the tanks were behind sand berms the shots were hitting home.

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除了能否成功存在疑问外,路易斯安纳沙堤工程的成本也很高昂。In addition to its questionable prospects for success, the Louisiana berm project would be extremely expensive.

紧邻高潮线的沙堤外边缘,是耐盐的卤地菊、厚藤等植物。Salt resistant plant such as Wedelia prostrata and Ipomoea pes caprae appeared in the edge of sand wall next to high tide line.

他们瞧见那棚屋的草顶往上一掀,坍塌下来,一道溅着白沫的波浪越过沙堤,流进湖内。They could see the grass-thatched shed lift and collapse, while a froth of foam cleared the crest of the sand and ran down to the lagoon.

由于深度挖掘密西西比河道,许多自然地貌,例如沙堤和河曲已经不复存在。Because of dredging activity to deepen the Mississippi River channel, many natural features such as sandbars and meanders no longer exist.

一辆涂装利比亚革命派色彩的苏制坦克爬过院落旁边的一处沙堤,准备向城内开炮。Soviet-made tank, painted with Libya's revolutionary colors, climbed a sand berm by the compound and prepared to fire its cannon into the city.

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一辆涂装利比亚革命派色彩的苏制坦克爬过院落旁边的一处沙堤,准备向城内开炮。A Soviet-made tank, painted with Libya's revolutionary colors, climbed a sand berm by the compound and prepared to fire its cannon into the city.

黄骅港是神华集团煤炭最佳出口港,防波堤、防沙堤是解决黄骅港航道淤积问题的重要措施。As the best solution for reducing siltation, a 30-meter long breakwater was designed at Shenhua Port which is the optimal coal exporting port for Shenhua Group.

介绍汕头港外导流拦沙堤BC段加高设计方案及其技术要求。The scheme for section BC heightening design of the dike for diversion and debris barrier outsideShantou Port and the technological requirements are introduced.

中全新世,海侵达到高峰,本区为浅海环境,形成了纵贯南北的岸外沙堤。The transgression reached its climax during the middle Holocene, and the offshore bar from south to north was formed for its geographical feature of shallow sea.

通过钻孔、年代地层、沉积物粒度和有孔虫组合综合分析,并配合探地雷达,对洪门古沙堤的成因类型以及古海岸环境进行了探讨。Based on core log, 14C dating, grain size analysis as well as ground-penetrating radar images, genesis of Hongmen coastal barrier and the environment were discussed.

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实际上,由于路易斯安纳的沙堤并不连续,石油很有可能从缺口流入,并停留在湿地中。Indeed, since the Louisiana berm will not be continuous, there is a strong likelihood that oil will flow in through the gaps, then possibly become trapped in wetlands.

作为研究海岸风暴影响的海岸地质学家,我很清楚这样一个坐落在屏障岛外围的沙堤极容易受到侵蚀。As a coastal geologist who studies coastal storm impacts, it is clear to me that this berm, located just offshore of the barrier islands, will also be extremely susceptible to erosion.

毫无疑问,它在建成后马上就会被侵蚀,只需对海岸形成过程进行简单说明,人们就会明白这个沙堤会在短短几个月内完全消失。Indeed, it will begin to erode immediately upon completion. Even a simple understanding of coastal processes leads one to conclude that this sandy berm could disappear within a few months.