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杂色的犬都会被淘汰出竞赛。Parti-colored dogs shall be disqualified.

地被植物,如常青藤、长春蔓、富贵草、杂色菊等。Groundcover such as ivy, vinca, pachysandra, gazania, etc.

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要求颜色不含杂色,以金橘色为最佳。Request color without noise, with kumquat color is the best.

控制色调,饱和,和值杂色颗粒性。Controls the granularity for hue, saturation, and value noise.

我们培育出颜色英国短毛猫蓝,丁香和杂色在法国的颜色。We breed british shorthair in color blue, lilac and parti-colour in France.

他给水鸭用蓝色镶边,黑白杂色的马用的是红色,而白色显得并不鲜明。His blues border on the teal, his reds are roanish, while his whites are dirty.

较导电的碳黑零件一般都有杂色斑驳,喑诲无光泽的表面。A more conductive carbon black part typically has a more mottled, duller surface.

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一个转折点,应用在杂色函数。在创建虚肿的或崎岖不平的效果特别有用。Applies a kink in the noise function. Useful for creating puffy or bumpy effects.

在波涛杂色类型中控制有多少单元被嵌入到介质中。Controls how many cells are imbedded in the medium used by the Billow noise type.

后期施用延迟烟叶成熟,导致杂色-未熟等级的产生。Late season application delays ripening and results in variegated -unripe grades.

拖到绘图页后,可以添加地被植物,如常青藤、长春蔓、富贵草或杂色菊。Drag onto the page to add ground cover, such as ivy, vinca, pachysandra, or gazania.

控制波涛杂色类型各别的单元随机化密度。Controls the density randomization of individual cells used by the Billow noise type.

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日子一天天过去了,杂色羊几乎灭绝了,连普通羊也不见了。As the days went on, the speckled sheep were nearly gone, the plain ones were going, too.

根据染整加工不同,分为漂白、杂色、印花府绸。Depending on the dyeing and finishing, is divided into bleached, variegated, printed poplin.

在东海望有人用海狸皮,绵羊皮,和野兔皮给他缝了一间杂色花衣。At Eastwatch someone had sewn him a motley cloak of beaver pelts, sheepskins, and rabbit fur.

使用光面透镜,使LED光色更佳,光斑均匀集中,无杂色,无阴影暗区。With smooth lens, the LED light color better, even centralized spot, no noise, no dark shadows.

具有均匀、一致和令人愉悦颜色的音板总是更胜于杂色或有斑纹的音板。An even, consistent and pleasing color is always preferred over a mottled or striped appearance.

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如果杂色被用作凹凸贴图,增加振幅导致更高的凹凸并且更深的凹部。If Noise is used as a bump map, increasing Amplitude results in higher bumps and deeper valleys.

眼睛在尝试着看见些什么,却徒劳无功,除了随睫毛一起颤动的点滴亮光和杂色之外,什么都没有。The eyes try in vain to perceive anything but drops of light and colors trembling on the lashes.

杂色是红色或土黄色里混以不同比例的黑色、蓝色或红褐色。Grizzle is a blend of red or wheaten intermixed in varying proportions with black, blue or liver.