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我们必须把事情弄个水落石出。We have to ravel the matter out.

我无法肯定全部的真相最终能否水落石出。I’m not sure the whole truth ever came out.

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直到水落石出的那一天,不然我不知道什么是安宁。Until I get to the bottom of it, I won't know what peace is.

但即使没有黑匣子的信息,一些事实真相已经水落石出。But even without the black-box data, several things are clear.

但这起袭击事件的规模和本质也迅速水落石出。But the scale and nature of the attacks is also quickly realised.

这一信息的出现很快让事情水落石出顺利解决。The matter settled shortly after the presentation of this information.

一切水落石出,章子怡在接受采访时泣不成声。The truth finally coming out, Zhang could not help tearing when being interviewed.

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他一定要弄个水落石出,于是他三口两口吃完早饭后就去找哈克。This uncertainty must be swept away. He would snatch a hurried breakfast and go and find Huck.

浩为婷四出奔走,令婷的冤狱似有水落石出之期。Four flees vast for Ting, makes Ting's unjust charge to seem to be that comes to light the time.

这还意味着委员会成员有权记录这些情况,把事件真相查个水落石出。It also means giving them access to records that, you know, might shed some light on what happened.

“天网恢恢,疏而不漏”,事情终有水落石出的一天。"the justice is inescapable, is sparse and is leakproof ", the matter has coming to light one day finally.

拉齐奥前锋戈兰。潘德夫的经纪人莱昂纳多。科尔斯表示,这名球员的未来将在接下来几天内水落石出。Lazio striker Goran Pandev will resolve his future in the next few days, according to his agent Leonardo Corsi.

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当然,当水落石出,尘埃落定的时候,时间终将还历史以真相。可谁在乎真相?谁还真不知道自己那点儿斤两?In the long run, of course, the facts will find you out. But who cares? We all know what we are in the long run.

关于轮换中的其他位置,则要到尼克斯10月3日在米兰揭开季前赛序幕时才会水落石出。Just about every other spot in the rotation will be up for grabs when the Knicks open their preseason in Milan on Oct. 3.

原告方与贝里斯坦有没有可能串通一气,精心挑选了受访者呢?科罗尔公司希望我能查个水落石出。Was it possible that the plaintiffs had colluded with Beristain to handpick the interviewees? Kroll wanted me to find out.

来自靴型半岛的消息表示,就在意大利国家队昨天被淘汰出南非世界杯的当天,蓝衣军团中后卫博努奇的未来也终于水落石出。Stories in the peninsula claim that terms were agreed yesterday as the defender watched the Azzurri crash out of the World Cup.

至于高盛是否有罪,亦或高盛那些高管,我更愿意等到水落石出。As for Goldman’s culpability, or that of particular executives at the firm, I would prefer to wait until all the evidence is in.

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心,无论凶手是他们两人中的哪一个,只要他一动手,谜底就会马上水落石出。Heart, regardless murderer is their 2 people wins of which, as long as he begins, riddle bottom meeting right away water rockslide.

随后记者了解到,何洁的经纪公司正在积极处理此事,相信很快就会水落石出。Afterward, the reporter learned that, He Jie's brokerage firm is actively seized of the matter, believe will soon get to the bottom.

管理人员并不总是都能够详细回答这些问题的,但我相信,项目出资人也并不见得就一定想问个水落石出。Managers can't always answer these questions in detail, but I'm not sure the project sponsors want them answered specifically either.