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国家航空总署饶有兴趣地追踪着史蒂夫此事的进展。NASA followed Stevie’s progress with interest.

欧洲太空总署策划了该实验。And the European Space Agency planed the trial.

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明帝在太空总署受训成为太空人。Mindy learned to be an astronaut while working at NASA.

亲爱的,你是一位家庭主妇,打算要对航空总署说些什么呢?Honey, you’re a house-wife. What are you going to say to NASA?

美国太空总署展开一个名为“创新之夏”的三年计划。"NASA is launching a 3-year program called " Summer of Innovation".

中国新闻出版总署副署长李东东计划对中国出版业进行重大改革。Li Dongdong plans major reforms for Chinese publishing. IMAGINECHINA

美国太空总署经过认真的研究,发现屁里面含有400种成分。After earnest studies, NASA found that flatus contains 400 substances.

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美国太空总署近日的很多工作都是为了进行基于太空的地球监测活动。Much of NASA's work these days is directed at space-based Earth monitoring.

太空总署已经格外注意太空梭隔热瓦遭受的任何损害。NASA has given extra attention to any damage to the shuttle's heat shield tiles.

政府问责总署的第一个建议是,向公众公布这一报告。The GAO’s very first recommendation is that this report be released to the public.

由美国航空和航天总署领导的研究小组,有备而来抵达华盛顿,准备投入这场论战。Members of the NASA-led team arrived in Washington fully prepared to enter the fray.

你是美国太空总署副署长的特别助理,处理太空站的事务。You are the Special Assistant to the NASA Associate Administrator for Space Station.

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国际合作总署的主要职责是一项广泛而漫无目标的技术援助计划。ICA's main responsibility was a far-flung but random program of technical assistance.

联系指导总署物资装备供应中心。To liaise with and guide the Goods and Equipment Supply Center of the Customs Office.

美国太空总署官员苏弗雷迪尼对在几天内排除电脑故障表示乐观。NASA official Suffredini is optimistic the problem can be repaired in the next few days.

美国新闻总署现在是美国国务院的一个下属部门,不再制作原创电影。This agency, now a part of the U.S. Department of State, no longer produces original films.

此研究由海洋暨大气总署资助。The scientists acknowledge funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

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美国太空总署宣称2037年前,送人登陆火星是其太空探索的下一个目标之一。NASA announces that putting a man on Mars by 2037 is one its next goals in space exploration.

其他移民坐在普拉托警察总署特定的小隔间里,等待问讯。Other immigrants sat in a holding cell at the Prato police headquarters, awaiting questioning.

上个月,新闻出版总署发文禁止外国企业投资中国网络游戏产业。Last month, GAPP released a circular banning foreign investment in China's online game industry.