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扩张第一产业具有潜力。Expanding primary industries has potential.

农业作为第一产业,是中国国民经济的基础。Agriculture as the primary industry is the basis of China's national economy.

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农业属于第一产业,是国民经济的基础产业。Agriculture is the primary industry, which is the basic industry of national economy.

第一产业因第三、第二产业兴旺而“被动地”消失。The primary industry "passively" disappears when the secondary and tertiary industries prosper.

2004年以前年份第一产业增加值不含农林牧渔服务业。NotePrimary industry exclude services of farming , forestry , animal , husbandry and fishery from 2004.

从1992年起,湖南第一产业就已无法对就业增长作出贡献。Since 1992, the primary industry of Hunan has been unable to make contribution to the growth of employment.

随着第一产业退化之风横扫欧洲,各国政府期待着服务行业来提供新的就业机会。As deindustrialization sweeps across europe governments are looking to the service industries to provide new employment opportunities.

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以第一产业为主的农村地区地震造成的经济损失主要源于房屋倒塌和对农田水利设施的破坏。In rural areas, economic losses by earthquakes are mainly resulted from house collapse and damage of farmland and irrigation facilities.

农业作为第一产业,是现代经济活动的基础,是我国政府与社会长期关注的重点。As the primary industry, agriculture is the foundation of modern economic activity, government and society in China has long been focusing on it.

首先,第一产业内部存在部分剩余劳动力,其次,第二、第三产业都存在进一步优化结构,扩大就业的可能。First, there are surplus labors in primary industry. Second, secondary industry and tertiary industry need further optimization in order to promote employment.

三是农村经济结构方面,实现了农村经济由第一产业为主向三次产业协调发展的历史性跨越。Third, regarding rural economic structure, we have realized the historical leap from the primary industry domination to a balanced development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries.

从竞争力偏离分量来看,长沙的第三产业具有很大的竞争力,但是长沙的第一产业竞争力严重不足。The competitiveness of Changsha's third industry is very strong from the data of competitiveness deviation component, but the competitiveness of Changsha's first industry is in a serious lack.

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城市化和产业结构呈线性相关,且与第一产业显著的负相关,与第二、三产业正相关。Urbanization is related with industrial structure linearly, and it has a negative correlation with the primary industry and a significant correlation with the secondary and tertiary industries.

科技人员、高校在校生、第一产业从业人口、全社会从业人数对基地经济发展的促进作用相对较为弱小。However, the technical personnel, the university enrolled students, the primary industry working population, the entire social being employed population play weaker role to economic development.