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英雄背后,留下一方平安净土。Behind these heroes is a safe land.

只想为自己的思想找一片净土。Just as their ideas for a pureland.

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在十七年当中,我是从华严经入净土的。I lectured on this sutra for seventeen years.

想开了就是净土,想不开就是地狱,犹豫了就是人间。Happy is the land, hard is hell, blue is the world.

你的足印来到了我的梦里,寻觅一处净土。Your foot-prints came to my dream to find a pure land.

这两枚印文,在很久以前曾用于我有关净土教授的书中。They were used in my books on Pureland teachings long ago.

两汉之际,有关净土的观念随着佛教的东来而传入中国。In Dynasty Han, the idea about pure land's spread to China.

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名是佛国净土,实是人间福地。The pure land of buddha was actually a good place on earth.

这种自发的精神是我们能在今日的诗篇中看见的净土。A willing mind is the good soil that we see in today's verse.

那一方净土,已成为尔扎心中的蒙鸠!That one party sukhavati, has become the darfur pierced hate!

这里是香格里拉圣洁的母海神山,东方女儿国的一湾净土。Here is the mother sea and the holy mountain of Kinabalu Shangri-La.

我的头一掉,正好可以去往西方净土。As soon as you chop of my head, I can go to the Pure Land of Amitabha.

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我的头一掉,正好可以赴往西方净土。As soon as you chop of my head, I can go to the Pure Land of Amitabha.

这将对那片净土产生严重的环境影响。This will have a deep environmental impact in a place as pure as that.

初学净土者,宜以培植坚固信愿为要务。Pure Land beginners who wish to cultivate strong letter ready to service.

开展创建无毒害社区活动确保一方净土。Create a non-toxic community activities to ensure that the side pure land.

一位僧人说他曾怀疑“净土”是否真的存在。A monk there shared that he used to doubt about the existence of Pure Land.

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大悲咒很长,不过净土咒就短些。The Great Mercy Mantra is pretty long, but the Pure Land Mantra is shorter.

在随后几年当中,这一直是我在苦苦寻觅的平安祥和的净土。It was an oasis of peace and safety that I struggled to find in later years.

但终于还是找到了一个容身之地,想来老天待我还是不薄的,还惦记着给我留一方净土。But finally found a place to stay, my God is not thin, want leave me a place.