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我从他沈睡的头颅脱出手臂。I slip my arm out from under his sleep head.

如何脱出法,须依情况而定。How this can be done depends on the circumstances.

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我们能从Humbert的主观中跳脱出来吗?Do we ever escape from the subjectivity of Humbert?

老旧的岩钉一旦脱出之后,就不得重新加以使用。Old pitons should not be reused once they fall out.

他第一次成功地脱出家庭的樊笼。He had won his first release from the fences of home.

放弃了工作我便能脱出身子,花更多的时间跟孩子们在一起。Giving up my job freed me to spend more time with the children.

顶出机构是推杆推出的一次脱出机构。The knockouts uses once ejecting mechanism that lifter pushes out.

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说完,我把东西都收拾起来了,这是为了让白白脱出困境。Finish, I packed up everything, it is difficult to make in vain prolapse.

顶出机构是推杆推出的一次脱出机构。The knockouts system uses once ejecting mechanism that lifter pushes out.

建立了割前脱联合收割机摘脱割台脱出物籽粒运动方程数学模型。The threshed materials grain motion math model is established in the paper.

外痔有时会脱出或突现于肛管口外。Sometimes external hemorrhoids prolapse, or anal penetration is now outside.

病毒的感染性核酸从外壳中脱出,叫做脱壳。The release of infectious nuclear acid from the viral coat is called uncoating.

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然后通过盆底肌肉中心形成隧道,将直肠从中脱出,与会阴皮肤吻合。The rectum was grasped using the perineal trocar and exteriorized to the perineum.

总会有那么一刻——有学到的东西——脱出了你的经验。There are always one or more lessons – or just moments – to take away from experiences.

我们提出一个六岁小孩发生难以恢复的卵巢会阴脱出之病例之影像表现。We report a case of a 6-month-old infant with an irreducible left inguinal ovarian hernia.

更糟的是,髋部严重骨折,导致股骨头从球窝关节脱出。Worse, he fractured his hip so badly that the ball of the ball-and-socket joint broke off.

接着,他从捆包袱的皮带当中脱出身子,笨拙地挣扎起来勉强坐着。Then he slipped out of the pack-straps and clumsily dragged himself into a sitting posture.

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“导师”的概念已经从课堂之中跳脱出来,通过和人、网络的联接,进入了大家的日常生活。Mentorship has exploded out of the classroom and, through connectivity, entered everyday life.

用GDX—101柱富集白兰瓜香气,用乙醚洗脱出,然后进行毛细管色谱-质谱分析。GDX-101 column was used to capture the fragrance which was then eluted by ether for GC-MS analysis.

海豚就是很好的列子,海豚能够将落水者脱出水面,使得落水者得以获救。A case in point is that the dolphin can save drowning men by pushing them to the surface of the water.