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你的马靴很时尚。Your boot is latest fashion.

短马靴中部的弯曲以及天鹅绒马甲贴身舒适。Jodhpurs curved to the waist and velvet vests were snug.

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他留下的那只马靴还在一家里加博物馆展出呢!The riding boot he left behind is on display in a Riga museum!

在新墨西哥的圣菲,夕阳把一个带有带刺的马靴投射到人的剪影上。Sunset casts a spurred boot in silhouette in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

塔吉克人喜穿坎肩,长裙,马靴。The Tajik people wear sleeveless jackets, log skirts and riding boots.

除此之外,交通状态非常差,我几乎是飞过去的,而且我忘带了骑马靴。On top of that, traffic was horrendous, I almost ran out of gas AND I forgot my riding boots.

“中国的货币政策就像一只穿着马靴的脚踩在了正在慢慢恢复元气的美国经济的咽喉上,”舒默说。"China's currency is like a boot on the throat of America's economic recovery, " Schumer said.

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最好穿后跟较小的牛仔靴或马靴。这样有助于脚保持在马镫里面,且不被卡住。Wear cowboy boots or a riding boot with a small heel to help hold your foot in the stirrup without getting stuck.

穿牛仔裤和马靴,住在郊外,在农场上干活儿。别招德克萨斯。They wear jeans and boots all the time, live out in the country and work on a farm. Don't mess with Texas. Yeehaw!

当然,作为一名牛仔,永远不会忘记穿上一双高筒马靴,因为不仅能有效保护他们的牛仔裤,而且还能传递信息给马儿。Of course, a cowboy can never forget a pair of tall boots which can protect their jeans and help to move the horse.

这种方法意味着马靴,其中有一部分是收紧和放松是在中间的开机。This method is meant for riding boots in which the part that is tightened and loosened is at the middle of the boot.

专业生产马靴,室内皮便鞋、工艺鞋、羊绒鞋、拖鞋、皮鞋、运动鞋。We are specialized in manufacturing boots, moccasins, hiking shoes, shearling slippers, skating shoes and sport shoes.

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这是专门为马靴,其中有一部分是收紧和放松是在中间的开机。It's specifically intended for riding boots in which the part that is tightened and loosened is at the middle of the boot.

白色的襦裤,裤脚染成花心般淡淡的黄色,绛红色小马靴。The Ru jeans in white, the bottom of trouser-leg pigments into a flower heart sort light yellow, Jiang ruddy small riding boots.

适用于马靴、运用于马靴、运动鞋、休闲鞋、海棉鞋、婴儿鞋、高级皮革鞋类及箱包缝制。Suitable for sewing riding boot, gym shoes, leisure, sponge shoes, baby's shoes, high grade leather shoes and all kings of cases.

大家讨论时,约翰.威瑟斯庞站起来,要求修改动议,用一双金色马靴刺取代精美长剑。During the discussion, John Witherspoon rose, and begged leave to amend the motion, by substituting for an elegant sword, a pair of golden spurs.

它少有西部乡村和多莉帕顿风格,更多地与奶油蕾丝衬衣,马靴和慵懒的绒面革和皮革流苏袋。It’s less about Country &Western and Dolly Parton, and more to do with creamy lace blouses, riding boots and slouchy suede and leather fringed bags.

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它少有西部乡村和多莉帕顿风格,更多地与奶油蕾丝衬衣,马靴和慵懒的绒面革和皮革流苏袋。It’s less about Country & Western and Dolly Parton, and more to do with creamy lace blouses, riding boots and slouchy suede and leather fringed bags.

外面是呼啸的北风,同事一袭白衣、马靴,一副不食人间烟火的味道而同行的我因为值班的关系,已经穿上了羽绒服。The north wind is whistling outside, my colleague dressed in white, riding boots, a worldly air about her taste and because i'm on duty i have been put on a down jacket.

我本人马靴包裹在一个塑料袋,绑到自行车,改为步行鞋,前往加入等待集团的游客谁是我的巴士队友的一天。I wrapped my riding boots in a plastic bag and strapped them to the bike, changed into walking shoes and went to join the waiting group of tourists who would be my bus-mates for the day.