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我的妻子每晚以泪洗面。My wife cries every night.

然而,有时也会出现以泪洗面的结局。Sometimes, though, it ends in tears.

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我记得那一年里,父亲每天都以泪洗面。I remember him crying everyday for a year.

在这场生命里,我的委曲求全也只能换来以泪洗面。In this life, I can only get the settling in tears.

刚离婚的那几个月,劳拉整日以泪洗面,痛苦、生气充斥她的生活。Laura went through months of grief, anger, and tears.

在她离开的那一天和之前的每一天,我都以泪洗面。Many tears will be shed the day she leaves and before.

傅兰回到了傅家,把自己锁在屋子里,以泪洗面。Fu Lan returned to Fu home, locked himself in the room, tears.

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后,被认定视力恢复无望时,芳便经常以泪洗面。After the recovery of visual acuity, deemed hopeless, Fang often tears.

七天的以泪洗面之后,我们的泪水依然在无声地流淌。Seven days after the Mansion, with tears, our tears still flowed silently.

眼睁睁地看着美国的导弹撕裂他们的国家,伊拉克人民终日以泪洗面。Watching US missiles tearing apart their country, Iraqis have spent their days in tears.

而这一过程中,孩子的父亲已经心力交瘁,母亲则整日以泪洗面。During this case, the child's father was exhausted and the mother had been crying all day.

凄凉的圣诞,凄凉的生日,新年夜以泪洗面,服药入眠。The worst Christmas', the worst Birthday's, New Years Eve's brought in by tears and valium.

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刡不要和已婚男人搅在一起,击不管他多么有魅力——不然你就等着以泪洗面吧。Don't get entangled with a married man no matter how attractive he is--it will end in your tears.

患者会有“数天强烈的情绪低落,之后会有更长时间对逝者的思念和以泪洗面。There are "a few days of acute upset and then a much longer period of the longing, the tearfulness.

在老城拉哈尔的外的一处贫民窟里,一个名叫萨马穆罕穆德的妇女过去每个晚上常常以泪洗面。In a slum outside the grand old city of Lahore, a woman named Saima Muhammad used to dissolve into tears every evening.

我喜欢那些滑稽的电影让我笑破肚皮,或是“赚女人眼泪”的情感戏让我以泪洗面。I relish being able to laugh my head off watching a silly movie, or being brought to tears by a sentimental'chick' flick.

我喜欢那些滑稽的电影让我笑破肚皮,或是“赚女人眼泪”的情感戏让我以泪洗面。I relish being able to laugh my head off watching a silly movie, or being brought to tears by a sentimental 'chick' flick.

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他跟他们郑重告别,开始到别的地方旅行。撇下农夫一家为女儿失去心上人而以泪洗面。So he wished them good-bye, and started off on his travels, and left them all a-crying because the girl had lost her sweetheart.

外面有许多优秀的单身男人。不要和已婚男人搅在一起,不管他多么有魅力--不然你就等着以泪洗面吧。There are plenty of great single men out there. Don't get entangled with a married man no matter how attractive he is--it will end in your tears.

在失去爱子后,她整日以泪洗面,在半夜有时听到温柔的敲门声,但打开门时,却空无一人。After losing her beloved son, her days were filled with tears. She’d hear gentle knocks on her door in the middle of the night, but when she opened it, no-one was there.