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他的工作促进了微生物学这门科学。His work advanced the science of microbiology.

细菌学,特别是微生物学使他陶醉。Bacteriology, in particular, microbiology had fascinated him.

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血药浓度采用微生物学方法测定。The blood concentration was measured by the bio-assay method.

加拿大国家微生物学实验室,温尼伯,加拿大The Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory. Winnipeg, Canada

当前地球生物学发展的重点是地球微生物学。The development of geobiology is emphasized on geomicrobiology.

汉密尔顿继续说,“能制作这些作品的艺术家,通常都是经过训练的微生物学家和生物化学家。”The majority of artists are trained microbiologists or biochemists.

兽医微生物学上册,刘荣标编著,艺轩图书出版社。Veterinary Bacteriology and Virology Merchant &Packer. Seventh Edition.

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生物冶金是微生物学与湿法冶金的交叉学科。Bioleaching is an interdisciplinary of microbiology and hydrometallurgy.

盖蒂保护研究所又请教了哈佛大学的微生物学家拉尔夫•米切尔。They in turn posed the question to Harvard microbiologist Ralph Mitchell.

前瞻性地收集了临床、影像和微生物学数据。Clinical, radiological and microbiological data were collected prospectively.

化妆品。微生物学。专用和非专用微生物的探测。Cosmetics. Microbiology. Detection of specified and non-specified microorganisms.

HIV病毒的获取是依照现代滤过性微生物学最严格的标准执行。HIV has been isolated according to the most rigorous standards of modern virology.

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微生物学在食品安全的作用,经常引起全球性的关注。The microbiological safety of food is always an important concern of global health.

这一研究公布于在英格兰举行的普通微生物学协会的一次会议上。The work was presented at a Society for General Microbiology conference in England.

未培养微生物研究是微生物学的一个重要研究方向。The study on uncultured microorganism is an important research field in microbiology.

钱存柔,黄仪秀,微生物学试验教程,北京北京大学出版社,1999。Nicklin J et al. Instant Notes in Microbiology, Bios Scientific Publishers Limited, 1999

卡诺在那里取得硕士学位,并在蒙大拿大学拿到了微生物学博士。Cano got his master's and went on to earn a PhD in microbiology at the University of Montana.

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加拿大温尼伯的加拿大国家微生物学实验室和安哥拉威热的现场试验室Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory,Winnipeg, Canada and field laboratory in Uige, Angola

一个学生从法科预科转为微生物学,因为他想研究生物恐怖主义。One student changed his major from prelaw to microbiology so he could "help with bioterrorism."

凡•列文虎克凝视着自家附近池塘里的水的那一刻,微生物学诞生了。The moment Van Leeuwenhoek gazed into his pond water was the moment that microbiology was born.