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我想重新考虑。I've reconsidered.

考虑银行劫案。Consider bank-robbing.

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考虑下整粒谷物食品。Consider whole grains.

一盏茶的时间你考虑。Tea of time you think.

考虑任何一种活动。Think of any activity.

考虑你的听众。Consider your audience.

我会在下面考虑这些。I consider those below.

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你是否曾为我考虑?Did you ever think of me.

我们待会再来考虑这个问题。Well, we'll revisit that.

但是其后她又重新考虑了。But then she reconsidered.

考虑一下去魁北克旅游。Consider a trip to Québec.

考虑组分的比例。Of each of the components.

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考虑一下,看是否能和我们一起去。See if you can go with us.

让我们来考虑下这两个研究So, consider both studies.

考虑一下你的听众。Think about your audience.

考虑一下,席恩想。Think that, Theon thought.


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考虑现实。Take it into consideration.

考虑非金有价商品。Think non-gold commodities.

你该考虑一下冠状头饰。You might consider a tiara.