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你有去派出所报失?Have you reported it to the police?

内德一定是找到了个派出所,她想道。Ned must have found a police officer.

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帕福斯门派出所正在继续调查。Paphos Gate police station is continuing investigations.

右上方是三光国小跟派出所。San Guang Elementary and Police Station is at top right.

小偷被扭送到派出所了。The thief was seized and turned over to a police station.

在清河派出所辖区,民警很快就找到了刘文。Qinghe police stations in the area, the police quickly found Liu.

新时期对公安派出所所长提出新的要求。New era brings forward new requirements for local police directors.

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安徽省太和县有哪些派出所?Which local police station do there is in Anhui Province Tai He County?

田先生愤而报警,但派出所让双方协商解决。Mr. Tian angrily warning, but police let the two sides through consultation.

于是,这位新时代的雷锋帮着小青年一路推车到了派出所。Then, the new era of Lei Feng to help youth road cart to the police station.

送到派出所,张跃华公允办事处理了问题。Sent to the police station, yue-hua zhang fair business deal with the problem.

几天前,她又给肖杰银老家的派出所打去电话。A few days ago, she gave the police station, Xiao Jie, silver hit home phone go.

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经过两年虐待,有一天她逃跑了,到喀布尔一个派出所寻求帮助。After two years of abuse, she fled and sought help at a police station in Kabul.

目前,长沙洪山桥派出所接到报案后已经介入调查。The case has been under investigation by the police in Hongshan, Changsha so far.

他去了当地的派出所,但他们要他去高陵附近的派出所立案。He went to the local police, but they told him to file the report in nearby Gaoling.

取得证据后,记者拨通了汉中门派出所的报警电话。After obtaining evidence, the reporter called Hanzhong Gate police station alarm call.

当地派出所迅速出警,在茶馆内将二人抓了个现行。The local police station a rapid, in the tea house will present a two-person arrested.

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祥明并不为所动,说家庭暴力的事还是找派出所比较好。Sangmyung and unmoved, saying that the family violence or find police station is better.

为了能及时拿到这张暂住证,许多人天还没亮就到派出所外排队了。In order to get this permit, many people even queued at police stations the night before.

多次“光顾”派出所,曾因吸毒取保,性格孤僻,这又是他的B面。Many times, "patronizing" police station, but had drug bail, withdrawn, this is his B-side.