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这些原子将会散逸进入太空。Those atoms could simply drift from the planet into space.

流体动力散逸可能也剥夺了土卫六的大部份大气。Hydrodynamic escape may have stripped Titan of much of its air, too.

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在它之外是发白的平流层,然后是进入散逸层。It gives way to the whitish stratosphere and then into the mesosphere.

最后是散逸层,这是大气的最外层。Last is the exosphere, which is the outermost layer of the atmosphere.

早期氢气的散逸,是否先为地球上将诞生的复杂生命建立了合适的环境?Did escape of hydrogen help to set the stage for complex life on Earth?

薄靶中所可能散逸的功率是有限的。The amount of power that can be dissipated in a thin target is limited.

我探入他的眼,看著他紧抓的生命流窜散逸。I looked into his eyes still clinging onto a life that was quickly departing.

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在某些方面,热散逸是这三者中最常见也最直接的现象。Thermal escape is, in some ways, the most common and straightforward of the three.

散逸的水雷开始在太平洋海岸出现而危及商船的航行。Stray mines began to turn up off the Pacific coast, imperilling commercial shipping.

火星和地球似乎也曾经历流体动力散逸,只不过程度较轻微。To a lesser degree, Mars and Earth, too, appear to have suffered hydrodynamic losses.

所以,如果存在氢元素,更多的氯37就会与氯35一起自岩浆中散逸。So if hydrogen were present, more chlorine-37 would escape the magma along with chlorine-35.

认清大气散逸作用的重要性,改变了我们对太阳系的看法。Recognizing the importance of atmospheric escape changes our perspective on the solar system.

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因此,我们可以由现在大气的成份,推论流体动力散逸是否曾经在该处发生。Thus, the present composition of an atmosphere can reveal whether this process has ever occurred.

这两种同位素的散逸倾向应该差不多,所以这可说是很大的差异。That is a huge disparity given that the two isotopes differ only slightly in their tendency to escape.

静静地用炭火慢慢煨着,烤着,一缕缕浓浓地茶香,就散逸飘飞在古老乡村地上空。Roast and bake over a slow charcoal fire. The strong scent of tea fills the air in the ancient village.

亮光使她发辫上散逸出的浅黑色发鬈变成了黄褐色,并使她苍白的脸色更加苍白。The light touched to russet the rings of dark hair escaping from her braids, and made her pale face paler.

相比传统的圆电缆,这允许改良的热散逸以及更长的电线寿命。This allows for improved heat dissipation and greater flex life performance over traditional round cables.

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黑洞周围弯曲时空散逸出来的引力波或许可以让我们以全新的方式对其进行观察。Gravitational waves from the warped spacetime around black holes could give us new ways of looking at them.

如果金星散逸出的氢原子是氧原子的两倍,那么毫无疑问其源头是水。If Venus is giving off twice as much trace hydrogen as oxygen, therefore, its source would clearly be water.

不过行星科学家已经开始认为,气体散逸扮演的角色和气体供给同等重要。But planetary scientists have begun to appreciate that the escape of gases plays as big a role as the supply.