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他们只是更不辞辛苦?Are they just more hardworking?

他不辞辛苦养育那小孩。He spared no pains to bring up the child.

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许许多多个深夜,不论何时,随叫随到,不辞辛苦。Many a night, any time, on call, the trouble.

你不辞辛苦陪我练口语,你真好!It's very kind of you to practice spoken English with me.

今早,小雨妹妹还在不辞辛苦的工作。Morning, light rain is still painstaking work of his sister.

也使得那些手机商不辞辛苦的在国外搞来!Which makes mobile phone maker's effort to engage in foreign countries!

我真希望您能不辞辛苦重新安排一次面试。I truly hope that you can take the trouble to arrange another interview.

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这是一个经济新闻记者的黄金年代,那些出色的商业写手每天都不辞辛苦地写出重要的文章。This is a golden age of economic journalism, with wonderful business writers churning out great stuff every day.

除了打喷嚏,大笑,我一直都很感激,感激上门帮忙的朋友,感激不辞辛苦的丈夫,他做了烤奶酪热狗小甜饼给孩子们作晚餐,给我做了喜欢的洋蓟肉菜饭,上面放着希腊橄榄。He may have made grilled cheese on hot dog buns for the kids for dinner, but he made me something he knew I’d love.

主看台的观众们不辞辛苦的给自己做了标记,旗帜鲜明的表达他们对所支持车手的喜爱之情。In the grandstands they had painstakingly drawn up some banners declaring their undying love for almost all the drivers.

从封建时代的刀剑铸造,到今天机器和芯片生产,大丈夫们在各种物质生产领域不辞辛苦地劳作着。From sword-forging in feudal times to machines and microchips today, real men toil tirelessly to make things you can see.

有些人们一心想要减轻体重,开始了不辞辛苦的长跑。Some people start running with the hope that the pounds will quickly start melting away as they're pounding the pavement.

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我们回来之后,福尔摩斯不辞辛苦地办理了另外两件案子,他都忙得没有时间讨论巴斯克维尔庄园里发生的那件案子。Since our return, Holmes had been working hard on two other cases, and he had been too busy to discuss the Baskerville case.

一个人的头脑可以像肌肉一样得到发展,只要你肯不辞辛苦的训练你的心智去思考。The brain can be devoloped in the same way as muscles can be devoloped, if one will only make the effort to train the mind to think.

然后他们不辞辛苦的利用他们的知识和计算机技术将散落的页片装合在一起,拼成一个连贯的整体。They then painstakingly used their own knowledge and computer technology to reassemble the scattered fragments into a coherent whole.

在最近的一趟历时4个小时的飞行途中,特朗普不辞辛苦地对着一名助手的笔记本电脑审核一批新广告,连最微小的细节也不放过。During a recent four-hour flight, Trump painstakingly reviewed a new batch of ads on an aide's laptop and seized on the smallest details.

远来的亲戚、住校的学生等等很多美国人会不辞辛苦的跋山涉水回家过节。Relatives from other cities, students who have been away at school, and many other Americans travel a long distance to spend the holiday at home.

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看到科里的母亲玛格丽特时,温斯莱特深深地被玛格丽特那具有深远意义的旅程打动了,孩子的母亲不辞辛苦地为其她不会说话的儿子寻找一种学会与人沟通的方法。Upon meeting Keli´s mother, Margret, Winslet was deeply moved by her far-reaching journey to find a way for her nonverbal son to learn to communicate.

我拔掉了各种花草,在花盆里种上了西红柿、扁豆和其他蔬菜,不辞辛苦地悉心加以照料。I ripped out my flowering plants and in their flowerpots I planted tomatoes, lentils, and other vegetables, which I tend with loving and painstaking care.

为了保证放飞过程安全,所有工作人员不辞辛苦沿途为每羽赛鸽保驾护航。The whole process is orderly, natural and smooth. In order to ensure the safety of the flying process, all the staff worked tirelessly to escort each pigeon.