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跑道上机场专车来回穿梭。The airport shuttle on the runway.

那班火车是为足球赛开的专车。The train was a special for the football.

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他有一辆专车,他走路。He has a special car because he cannot walk.

欢迎前来参观订购,市内专车接送!Welcome to visit order, city vehicle escort!

只有大榄涌比赛提供来回专车接送。Return transport available for Tai Lam Chung race.

他们为这场足球比赛安排了一列专车。They're running a special train to the football match.

有专车接送旅客到码头吗?Are there any cars for transporting passengers to the pier?

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地方政府为宾客提供了专车。The local government provided special buses for the guests.

我们提供「全天候24小时专车」于兽医或家中接送离世的宠物。We offer a free 24 hours pick-up service from vets or home.

许多市内交通车都被改造为校用专车。Many city vehicles have been adapted for use as school buses.

我们在鸡场有专车接送客人,你可以乘专车来。We have a shuttle bus from the airport, I think you can take it.

一辆专车把游客们由机场送到一家旅馆。A special bus transported the tourists from the airport to a hotel.

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几分钟之后,韦恩斯坦用专车接我过去。A few minutes later Weinstein picks me up in a chauffeur-driven car.

你准备乘专车还是普通列车去看足球比赛?。Are you going to the football match by special or the ordinary train?

拿把刀,冲到银行,会有专车来接你的。Take a knife, rushed to banks, there will be shuttle bus to pick you.

而且如果是校外活动他们必须提供专车接送学生。And they must provide for transportation to and from off-campus parties.

专车接送,安全快速,收费合理,服务亲切!Free traffic service, safety and fast, reasonable charges, kindly service.

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当罗马教皇到来的时候,他乘坐他的专车环绕拥挤的运动场一圈。On his arrival, the pontiff circled the packed stadium in his pope mobile.

抵达里斯本的波尔特拉机场,专车接送至酒店。Arrive at Lisbon's Portela Airport where you'll be transferred to the hotel.

女性专车仅在晚间和早晨高峰时间提供。Women only cars are available late at night and during the morning rush hour.