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物理化学这已经是2002六百四十六小时和模型。This is the 2002 646 hours, and models.

我们可将物理化学划分为四个主要领域。We can divide physical chemistry into four main areas.

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土壤水蚀是一个复杂的物理化学过程。Soil water erosion is a complex physicochemical process.

固沙强度主要是物理化学作用而形成的。The results show the importance of physicochemical action.

文章介绍香草醛的基本物理化学特性。Introduce the basic physics-chemistry characteristic of Vanilla.

物理化学解题指南,李文斌主编,天津大学出版社。Physical Chemistry. 5th ed. , P. W. Atkins. , Oxford University Press.

汽油和机油组成和物理化学性质的作用也非常重要。The function of the chemistry of fuel and engine oil is very important.

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研究了试剂的物理化学性质和化学发光性能。Its physio-chemical properties and chemiluminescent behavior were studied.

这正是所谓核酸分子杂交的,物理化学反应的基础Now this is the basis of a physical chemistry process called hybridization.

物理化学实验是师范院校化学系的基础课程。Physical chemistry experiment is one of the basic courses in Normal College.

为物理化学电源性能评估提供了新的方法。This method can be used to estimate physical chemistry batteries capability.

测定了酯化白炭黑的物理化学性质、差热分析和红外光谱。The physicochemical properties, DTA and IR for esterified samples were determined.

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TiB_2陶瓷具有优良的物理化学性能和机械力学性能。TiB_2 ceramics have excellent physical-chemical properties and mechanical properties.

供输送清水或物理化学性质类似于清水的液体。For distribution of water or similar physical and chemical properties of liquid water.

临界胶束浓度是表面活性剂的重要物理化学性质。Critical micelle concentration is an important physicochemical property of surfactants.

污垢的形成是一个复杂的物理化学过程,影响因素众多。Fouling is a physical and chemi complicated process which is influenced by many factors.

碧潭泉水的物理化学特征呈现日动态变化和月动态变化。Physical-chemical characteristics of the Bitang karst Spring show diurnal and lunar variation.

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黄铁绢英岩化为金的沉淀富集提供了适宜的物理化学环境。Beresitization furnishes the adequate physical and chemical environment for gold precipitation.

凹凸棒石粘土形成的物理化学条件为偏碱性的还原条件。The physicochemical conditions for the forming of palygorskite clays were alkaline and reduction.

所有的抗肿瘤物理化学方法主要集中于改变氧,自由基的动态平衡。All anti-tumor physical-chemical methods are focused on changing oxygen, free-radical homeostasis.