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你必须守约。You must keep your promise.

我很守约,三月,是我的情郎。I'm very punctual. March is my sweetheart.

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守约的人被认为是可靠的人。People who keep appointments are considered dependable.

详细陈述不守约的明示的或暗示的承诺。Specify the real or implied commitment that was broken.

不守约的人被认为是不可信赖的。People who don't keep appointments are considered unreliable.

在许多文化中守约都是一种美德。Keeping one's appointment is regarded as a virtue in many cultures.

大多数的抱怨源于不守约的承诺、声明或其他方面。Most complaints are caused by broken commitments, stated or otherwise.

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我好不容易说服了那么多人和我会面,我必须守约呀。I managed to persuade quite a few people to see me, and I must keep the appointments.

法国法注重对守约方的损失赔偿,强调违约金的赔偿性。French Law focuses on the compensation to observant party, stresses the nature of compensation.

解除权与抗辩权虽不同,但二者相互配合却是守约方权利实现的途径。Rescind and defenses were different, but they are the way to achieve the observant party rights.

一直有销售员问我,怎样才能确保客户能守约。I get asked all of the time by salespeople how to make sure that prospects keep their appointments.

只有顺服守约的人才能安息,而不顺服、背约的人就无法进入神的安息。Only obedient covenant keepers may rest, and disobedient covenant breakers cannot enter God's rest.

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该违约利息由各守约方按其股权比例分配。The default interest shall be allocated to the non-defaulting Parties prorata to their shareholdings.

为了能守约地解释圣经,我们不需要把所有的讲道都变成圣约神学的演讲。We need not turn every sermon into a covenant theology lecture in order to interpret the Scriptures covenantally.

政府信用是国内外社会各主体对一国政府守约重诺的信任,它是社会信用体系的核心。Government credit, the core of social credit system, is trust of social subjects to promises-keeping of a government.

如果守约方根据X条中止本合同,违约方仍应给予损害赔偿。Liability for such damages shall not be waived in the event the non-breaching Party terminates this Contract under Aticle X.

让我们的儿女、亲人都认识祢,让救恩的福份流传久远,直到万代,后裔子孙也要对祢忠心到底,守约不渝。Let the blessing flow on to future generations, and as long as any of our race remains on earth may they remain true to Thee.

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如一方因另一方不按时缴纳税费而承受损失,违约方应立即对守约方作出合理的赔偿。If one party endures losses because the other fails to pay the taxes, the latter should make proper compensations for the former.

清政府的守约方针及其失误,给后人留下深刻的教训和启示。The Qing government's policy of adhering to treaties, and the wrongness of it, have left a profound lesson for later generations.

记住,基于对不守约的承诺的抱怨,你是在扩大你的而影响力、降低他人的不安。And remember, by basing your complaints on broken commitments, you're maximizing your impact and minimizing everyone's discomfort.