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是激光列阵吗?Is that a laser array?

我们锁定目标,记录了整个列阵。We may turn onto a target, we record from a whole array.

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我们可以利用此前我讲到的电极列阵,来实现。And we can do that with the electrode array that I previously showed you.

这个已经是非洲最强力的列阵望远镜了。As such, it is already the most powerful array-based telescope in Africa.

结合列阵透镜的透过率分析了其后的光场分布。The distribution of optical field passing through lens array is analyzed.

高功率激光二极管列阵广泛应用于抽运固体激光器。High power 808nm laser diodes are widely used for pumping Nd∶YAG solid-state lasers.

利用这种焊料研制出脉冲功率达100W的半导体激光器列阵。A semiconductor laser array with pulse power of 100W was made by utilizing the solder.

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用扩散冷却辐射状电极列阵构成多通道板条放电。Multiple slab discharges are established in a diffusion cooled radial electrode array.

最后给出生成微透镜列阵掩模图形的实例。Some practical examples for producing mask patterns of micro-lens array are given in the end.

介绍了一种应用于大功率激光二极管列阵的新型单片集成微通道制冷热沉。A novel AIN monolithic microchannel cooled heatsink for high power laser diode array is introduced.

利用MOCVD研制了无铝双量子阱列阵半导体激光器。The aluminum-free two-quantum-well semiconductor laser which wavelength is 940 nm is made by MOCVD.

介绍一种新颖的微型多道成像光谱分析系统用的探测列阵。This paper introduces a new detecting array for micro multichannel imaging spectrum analysis system.

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用光路分析的方法,详细研究了玻璃微珠逆反射列阵膜的光学特性。By the method of ray tracing , the glass beads retroreflective array flim has been studied in detail.

大功率半导体激光器列阵研制的关键问题之一就是散热技术。One of the key problems is lasers cooling in researching high power semiconductor diode laser arrays.

对N-DBR反射率进行优化后,VCSEL列阵的整体输出特性得到了有效改善。It concludes that the performance of VCSEL array has been improved by N-DBR reflectivity optimization.

战斗开始于,别忘了,战场上的敌对双方面对面列阵,也许是在早晨The situation begins at--remember, the two sides are opposite each other in the field, probably in the morning.

只需简单阅读BISOL组件背面的标签便可把安排BISOL组件调整为到最佳光伏组件列阵。Arranging BISOL modules into optimal PV plant array is easy by simply reading the label on the backside of a module.

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对发光单元数目分别为5、9、19列阵的同相模的远场光强分布进行了计算。The far-field intensity distribution of in-phase mode is calculated for the beam numbers of 5.9and 19, respectively.

非致冷红外探测器及其列阵是近年红外探测器发展的一个新趋势。Uncooled infrared detectors and arrays are one of the most important developments in the infrared detection. InxGai.

地上君王列阵站着,众人君一同阴谋,要敌挡永恒主,敌挡他所膏立的,说。The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against his Anointed One.