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他的鬼怪故事使我汗毛直竖。His ghost story made my flesh creep.

我读过关于这类可怕的化身鬼怪的书。I had read of such hideous incarnate demons.

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身为一个龙与地下城战棋生物,拉米雅属于鬼怪类型。As a DDM creature, the Lamia is sort of weird.

莽撞鬼怪本回合不造成战斗伤害。Goblin Vandal deals no combat damage this turn.

这种有翅膀的哺乳动物多亏了吸血鬼才上了万圣节鬼怪名单。The winged mammals can thank vampires for that.

有些孩子害怕鬼怪,而我害怕警察,总统,还有联邦调查局。I feared the police, the President, and the F.B.I.

也有其他人在这魔幻森林里见过精灵鬼怪。Others too have seen spirits in the Enchanted Woods.

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当我看到鬼怪时,吓得直发抖!When I saw the ghost, I started shaking in my boots!

下面就让我们看看俄罗斯的鬼怪和精灵。Let's have a look at the list of Russian evil spirits.

穿着长袍的人影如鬼怪般在帐间游走。Robe-clad figures moved among the tents like specters.

居尔特人也会准备美食给阴间的鬼怪。The Celtics also offered the ghosts good things to eat.

酒吧里的人都把自己打扮成鬼鬼怪怪的样子。People in the bars were dressed in all sorts of ghostly attires.

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我正在读的这本书讲的是鬼怪和其他一些超自然的事。I am reading a book about ghosts and other supernatural sightings.

此后,从这个故事中引申出了鬼怪桃木之说。Since then, from this story come out of the ghost is said Mahogany.

门徒看见他在海面上走,就惊慌了,说,是个鬼怪。When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified.

很高兴你们喜爱鬼怪单鼻,他会带双枪,标准的手枪,但枪套在腿上。Glad to see love for Ol Barguest, two guns, standard but holster and leg.

两艘轮船停泊在水波不兴的海面上,我以为它们是海上的鬼怪。The two ships becalmed on a torpid sea, I believed to be marine phantoms.

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我们感到这个街垒的首领是一个几何学家或一个鬼怪。One felt that the chief of this barricade was a geometrician or a spectre.

我最好也回家做一些香包,这样就没有鬼怪把我抓走了!I'd better go home to make some sachets too. No ghosts are going to get me!

哦,野蛮人触发了一个箱子陷阱,周围跳出了4个鬼怪要劫财劫色。Barbarian triggers a trap chest that spawns four spectral enemies around him.