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这是tot的值,我们刚才已经演算过了。There's tot, we've checked that.

我在讲一个财政演算。I am talking about a fiscal exercise.

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谓词演算与程序语义。Predicate Calculus and Program Semantics.

该技术利用演演算法则处理信号。This uses algorithms to process the signals.

⑶命题逻辑等值演算。Figure of equivalence of ⑶ propositional logic.

游戏中的白天和黑夜是即时演算的吗?Is the lighting and shadow in the game real-time?

MWB是一个基于PI演算的模型检测工具。MWB is a model checking tool based on PI-calculus.

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下一页定义讯框间间距和后退演算法。The next page defines interframe spacing and backoff.

这个属性是有金钥的杂凑演算法之金钥。This property is the key for the keyed hash algorithm.

这个演算法会花比较长的时间去收敛。This algorithm can take a relatively long time to converge.

汇流演算基于河网结构采用分段马斯京根方法。For river network routing, the Muskingum method is usually used.

古老的三体问题在进行充分的演算后,加以解决了。The old three-body problem is solved by doing enough arithmetic.

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在经济不景气的时候,常常会出现一种危险的演算。In times of economic downturn, a dangerous calculus often emerges.

演算法以隧道灯光做为影像特徵。The algorithm utilizes the lightings in tunnels as feature points.

介绍了命题逻辑演算方法。This paper introduces a method for propositional logic calculation.

⑼谓词逻辑等值演算与前束范式。Figure of equivalence of ⑼ predicative logic and toe-int model type.

这个演算法用于资料系结控制项中的控制项。This algorithm is used for controls that are in data-bound controls.

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此方法相较于目前现有演算法有不同之观点。It has different aspects with existing anti-collision algorithms now.

本页将定义和路由器相关的演算法和权值。This page will define algorithms and metrics as they relate to routers.

还是你们认为它完全推翻了,功利主义的演算?Or do you think this completely destroys the whole utilitarian calculus?