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满堂客家大围。"Mantang Hakka Manor House".

斯迈尔先生说他不想与客家争吵。Mr. Smile said he did not wa.

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客家人具有独特的客家精神。Hakkas has a unique spirit of the Hakka.

客家民系是汉民族的一个分支。Hakka is the branch of the Han nationality.

客家是中国汉族中一个独特的民系。Hakka is a special branch in Han nationality.

例如,回溯到客家八音。For example, go back to the Hakka eight tones.

彩色土,贝,乾燥花,羽毛,客家花布。Color clay, shell, desiccated flowers and leaves.

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“客家”是汉民族的一大支系。The Hakkas in one of branches of Han nationality.

他们是普通话,吴方言,闽方言,粤方言和客家方言。These are Mandarin, Wu, Min, Cantonese and Hakka.

兴宁老板,兴宁厨师,正宗的客家口味。Xingning boss, Ning cooks, authentic taste of Hakka.

高雄县的客家族群主要住在美浓。Most Hakka groups of Kaohsiung County live inMeinong.

岭南客家先民首次南迁地在偃师。Lingnan hakka ancient immigrated to the first in some.

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所以我们认为,“丁客家族”趋势是一个好的现象。So, we think that the DINK trend is a good phenomenon.

客家民系并非自古就有的。Department of the Hakka people of ancient times is not.

长汀的和田镇有一条古色古香的客家宗祠街。Hakka clan of the esteem by which Street play most vividly.

「维持了30年的客家原味粄条」就是本店的招牌。Our distinct and delicious taste has remained for 30 years.

客家围屋,一般是一个家族造的。In average, Hakka circular houses were built by big families.

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客家文化在此发源,客家民系于斯诞生。Hakka culture in origin, the Hakka people of the Andean birth.

出身客家的指挥大师郑小瑛,今年已87岁高龄,但在舞台上挥棒依然激情满怀。Maestro Zheng Xiaoying, aging 87, is full of passion on stage.

本文主要以赣南客家为例。Let the Gannan Hakka Dialect' Taboo is an example in this text.