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这个相位角,是什么呢?What is this business of this phase angle?

在计算相位角时,用不到多少物理知识。There's not much physics in the phase angle.

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那么这样,就有相位角,我会回过去讲它。And then here we have what we call the phase angle, and I will return to that.

给出了等效平衡矢量与配重小车相位角的关系式。A relation between equivalent balancing vector and weight phase angle is given.

现在我问你们,关于时间的,函数是什么,,what,now,is,x,as,a,function,of,time,包括振幅,包括相位角φ?And now I can ask you x A including the amplitude A, including the phase angle phi?

本文讲述的是一种利用相位角分析,通过软件解决错接线问题的方案。This paper describes a kind of solution which is base on phase angle through software.

按测得的相位角放置试重块,由开机测得的幅值影响系数确定配重块重量。Trial mass is placed according to the phase angle and counter weight is decided with influence coefficient.

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因此,校正相位角同步时,应当选择在对千分表敏感的位置。So, while adjusting the synchronous adjustment of the phase angle, it should be selected at the sensitive position of dial gauge.

然后详细的讨论了五杆机构在每一种分类情况下机构中存在双曲柄时机构的传动比及相位角的范围。Then we conclude the five-bar's classification and the gear ratio and phase angle in each classification to be full rotatability.

加入TLA后沥青复数模量增大,相位角减小,沥青的车辙因子相应增大。Complex modulus of asphalt was increased, while phase angle was decreased with the addition of TLA as well as the increasing of rutting factor.

首先通过数理分析,建立数学模型,推导公式,计算相位角变化值和线电压值。Firstly, according to the mathematical analysis, the model is established and formulas are deduced to calculate phase angles and line voltages.

如果有人选择,θmax的值取-0。,你会得到,不同的相位角。And for those of you who had preferred 13 to use the theta maximum to take minus 0.13, they would have found a different phase angle altogether.

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令人惊讶的是,非常值得注意的,这个和振幅,没有关系,也和角度,没有关系,和相位角无关。And what is striking, really remarkable, that this is independent of the amplitude, and it's also independent of this angle phi, this phase angle.

在活塞式压缩机扰力和扰力矩相位角计算的基础上,进一步讨论了活塞式压缩机基础扰力和扰力矩相位角的计算。Based on the calculation of disturbing force and moment phase angle of piston compressor discusses in details the calculation method for the same.

转子不平衡量所在的方位与转子的自转角、进动角、相位角三者之间内在的定量关系。A natural and quantitative law does exist between the azimuth of the imbalance of the rotor and its spin angle, precessional angle and its phase angle.

藉由观察在阻抗平面讯号图上的改变及其相位角的情形,即可了解各种缺陷型态及检测因素的影响。By observing the variations of the phase angle and the impendence plane diagram, the influence of different defects and factors are evidently presented.

同时还研究了断路器合闸相位角分布规律、MOA的额定电压、线路绝缘水平等因素的影响。These factors including distribution of circuit breakers closing angle, rated voltage of MOA and the insulation level of transmission line are considered.

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伏特量交流电路中电压与电流的有效值以及电流与电压之间相位角的余弦之乘积。The product of the effective values of the voltage and current with the cosine of the phase angle between current and voltage in an alternating-current circuit.

本文对目前曲轴相位角测量方法进行了误差分析,并提出一种测量误差的消除措施。This paper carries on the error analysis to the present crankshaft phase angle measuring technique, and proposed one kind of measuring error elimination measure.

在P131传动轴压装焊接生产中,轴管两端压入部件的相位角有一定要求。In production of Spot welding machine of P131 transmission Shaft pressed assembly, there is a high requirement for the angle between two parts pressed in one tube.