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一道精致的大菜向君王侍奉。A dainty dish to set before the King.

大菜丝清凉可口,是夏令佳品。Agar is very light and delicious for summer.

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用清水浸大菜至软身,切段,放水内煮至融透。Soak agar agar until soft, section and cook in water until dissolved.

其中最妙和最吸引人的大菜是烤火鸡和番瓜馅饼。The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie.

也许这是因为我并不期待洗大菜。Maybe that was because I wasn't looking forward to washing the dinner dishes.

其中最妙和最吸引人的大菜是烤火鸡和南瓜馅饼。Very good! You are so clever! The best one among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie.

被全国各大星级宾馆邀请做全国各大菜系主办的美食节。National Hotel was the major stars invited to do the major branches of the National Food Festival sponsored.

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粤、台州两大菜系中的经典菜品,大厅内的花式鉄板烧更为餐厅的氛围增添异彩。The restaurant also offers classical dishes of Guangdong, TaiZhou series. Teppanyaki highlights the atmosphere in the hall.

澳门,曾为葡人统治的地方,一定会留下印记,作为世界几大菜系之一的葡国菜式,亦不可不试。Macao, once for Portuguese rule of place, will leave marks, as one of several major cuisines of the dishes, also must ensino try.

不过我还是忍不住有种感觉,就像已经吃了两道美味大菜,但还是有点儿饿,想来份甜点。And yet I can't help feeling like I have eaten the most delicious two-course meal ever, but am still a little bit hungry for dessert.

他在山顶坐了一会儿,一朵白云悠悠来到,卷起他,带着他在天空中飞了一会儿,最后降落在一座大菜园子里。He has sat a while in the summit, white clouds arrive leisurely, curl up him, led him to fly a while in the sky, finally descended in a main dish garden.

川菜在近20年受到了全国广大消费者的欢迎,以拥有的消费群体而言,在国内诸大菜系之上。Sichun dish has been greatly welcomed by consumers all over China for nearly 20 years, which is above the other dish systems in China as far as consumers as a whole are concerned.

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现今的俄罗斯大菜的主要特点在于其多样性、及创造性地吸收和改进各种各样的烹饪做法的能力。The major advantage of Russian cuisine is in its diversity, readiness to adopt and, what is more important, adapt and, what is more important, adapt different culinary traditions.

田在天让曾聪明搞定建宏,让建宏把照片送到程如山处,并告诉曾聪明照片不要现在送这只是小菜,大菜还在后面。Field in the day to have clever get built macro, let the photos to build a macro ChengRuShan place, and tell have smart photographs dont now send this is only small dishes, AGAR AGAR is behind.