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主脉有3个维管束,排列成三角状。The 3vascular bundles in the main vein arrange in triangle.

这种维管束斜生于茎内的部分,称为叶迹。These parts of bundles in the stem be regarded as leaf trace.

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致萎毒素可引起棉苗维管束系统堵塞。Wilting toxins can induce to block the xylem of cotton seedling.

茎中维管束环外有糊粉层。There is the aleurone layer outside the bundle ring of the stems.

这已经用于附生藻类和沉水维管束植物中。It has been applied to attached algae and submerged vascular plants.

此外,两个种的维管束结构及叶缘结构等也有很大的差异。The structures of vascular bundle and leaf margin were also different.

离体的维管束鞘细胞束也有一定的CO_2固定能力。Isolated bundle sheath cells alsoshowed a certain capacity of CO_2 fixation.

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据调查统计,全市共有水生维管束植物26科45属67种。The result show that there are all plants 26 families, 45 genera, 67 species.

广东境内珠江流域水生维管束植物区系的探讨。A survey on the aquatic vascular plants of the Pearl River basin in Guangdong.

药隔维管束韧皮部的伴胞解体。The abortion of companion cell of phloem of anther connective vascular bundle.

已知浙江有水生维管束植物150种,隶属于78属,42科。There were 150 species belonging to 78 genera and 42 families in the province.

抗弯弹性模量与维管束比量有较高的抛物线关系。There is a parabola correlation between the MOE and vascular bundle proportion.

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小穗轴中央维管束的活性与灌浆速率有关,活性高时灌浆速率快。The activity of the center vascular in rachilla were related to the milking rate.

地上茎一年生,维管束排成一圈,纤维含量低。The aerial stem is annual and has a ring of vascular bundle and low fiber content.

根据萼片内的许多维管束结构,通常认为其由叶发育而成。Sepals contain several vascular bundles, and are thought to be derived from leaves.

含多糖的球形颗粒通过维管束在子叶中运输。Quantities of polysaccharide vesicles are transported in bulk through vascular bundles.

崖柏属雌球果的苞鳞中没有倒转的维管束形成。There was no inverted vascular bundle developed in the bract scale of Thuja occidentals.

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在下巴后面,一个小的维管束描述实验小鼠的脸颊。A small vascular bundle at the back of the jaw characterizes the cheek of laboratory mice.

自花梗顶部至子房室基部,维管束系统发生复杂的变化。The vascular system changed complexly from the top of the pedicel to the base of the locule.

由于病原菌可经土壤传播并进入寄主维管束进行危害,所以防治起来十分困难。The disease is difficult to control because the pathogen is soil-borne and vascular parasite.