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哦,不小的打击。Ooh low blow.

这是一个打击。This was a blow.

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这是一个真正的打击。This is a real blow.

打击手打中球了。The batter hit the ball.

这打击使她的腿青肿。The blow bruised her leg.

刺,戳,击快速的刺入或打击。To deliver a quick punch.

她能忍受这次打击。She can bear off the blow.

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我不能再被打击了。I can't be striked any more.

他们打击我,我痛哭!Oh, They beated me, I cried!

这次打击对他是致命的。The shock was deadly to him.

宇宙的微不足道打击了我们。Cosmic two-by-fours whack us.

打击可能吓着一些人。The crackdown may scare some.

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我们战士正在打击敌人。Our soldiers are at the enemy.

经受了那次打击,她明显地见老了。The blow had aged her visibly.

为那风打击完成的你。For the wind blows through you.

他使自己坚强起来,经得起打击。He steeled himself for the blow.

儿子的去世给她的打击十分沉重。Her son's death hits her greatly.

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我和你在一起的事让他大受打击。I hit him over the head with you.

你爱打击我,和我爱粉扑。You love blow and I, I love puff.

但这些“雄蜂”打击真的起作用吗?But are the drone strikes working?