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释放你的潜力!Unleash your Potential!

没人了解我的潜力。No one sees my potential.

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这张卡也许还有潜力。This card may be a sleeper.

哎,潜力是一回事。Alas, potential is one thing.

中国市场的潜力不可限量。In China the sky's the limit.

什么是你的运动潜力?What Is Your Sports Potential?

但是g.ho.st有上升的潜力。But has some potential.

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增长潜力是最显然易见的答案。Potential is the obvious answer.

潜力将是难以置信的。The potentials are unbelievable.

他们是很有潜力的球队。Theyare a team who has potential.

教育旅游产品具有非常广阔的市场潜力。The capacity of ETP is very great.

该酒窖藏潜力为八年。The cellaring potential is 8 years.

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最具有活力潜力的城市。A place of vitality and potentiality.

则是开发团队释放整体开发潜力的平台。VSTS is for team potential and passion.

恐惧破坏我们的潜力和能力。Fear destroys our potential and ability.

玫琳凯坚信我们真正的潜力。Mary Kay believed in our true potential.

奥登在实践中表现出的潜力。Greg Oden has shown potential in practice.

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但是,我觉得你潜力很大。But still, I find much potentiality in you.

扩张第一产业具有潜力。Expanding primary industries has potential.

让主耶稣来激发你生命的潜力吗?Let Jesus ignite the potential of your life?