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1937年的这段历史为我们提供了一个可引以为戒的例子。The 1937 episode provides a cautionary tale.

我只希望我的愚行能使雷金纳德引以为戒。I only hope reginald will take example by my folly.

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我从这个可以引以为戒的经历中学到了很多。I have learned a lot from the chastening experience.

幸福的人就是能从别人的不幸中引以为戒的人。Happy is he who can take warning from the mishap of others.

这在我们的实践和研究中都应自觉反省并引以为戒。We must endeavor to avoid these problems in the research and practices.

这个惨痛的的历史教训,我们全党同志一定要永远记取,引以为戒.。No comrade should never forget the bitter lesson and take a warning from it.

这部交通安全教育片给了我很大的触动,我会引以为戒,从我做起。Thee traffic safety educational gave me great touch, I will take notice, starts from me.

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甚至说中国将那些“不良消费者”在大街上示众让其他人引以为戒,也将无济于事。Not even China is likely to parade “bad consumers’’ around on the streets as an object lesson to others.

这个惨痛的历史教训,我们全党同志一定要永远记取,引以为戒。This miserable historic lesson is of great necessity to be remembered as a warning by all the party members.

那些远离亲人和朋友的雄心勃勃的记者、商人、救援人员以及未来的谍报人员更应该引以为戒。Those ambitious journalists, businesspeople and aid workers, as well as prospective spies, should take heed.

使同行引以为戒,提高流通工作中的服务质量。Make person of the same trade or occupation take warning from it, improve service quality in the job circulating.

进而对日译汉这一翻译过程中应该引以为戒的要点进行了阐述。It further clarifies the main points that we should pay attention to in the process of Japanese-Chinese translation.

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所以我们一要吸取教训,引以为戒,强化改进思想方法教育,赢得安全生产的主动权。So we should draw a lesson, learn a lesson, aggrandizement improves thoughtway education, win the active right of safe production.

一些专家说的确如此,他们还说,泰国洪灾造成的国际影响应该让全球其他公司引以为戒。Some experts say yes, and that the international impact of Thailand's floods should serve as a warning to other companies world-wide.

我们要举一反三,明晚就要召开全省安全生产电视电话会议,要将最近这几起事故通报全省,引以为戒。We must draw, tomorrow will be convened teleconference on safe production in the province, to which several incidents of the recent and governments.

中国社会于今转型,新闻转型亦在其中,他人教训应引以为戒。Now that the social transformation is taking place in China, which also includes the media transformation a lesson should be learnt from others' fall.

已查处的违规企业和个人,应引以为戒,牢固树立守法经营意识。The violating enterprises and individuals shall draw a lesson from their malpractices and misconducts and stick to the concept of law-abiding operation.

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过去我们就是鉴于他们的经验教训,少走了一些弯路,现在当然更要引以为戒。It was by drawing lessons from their experience that we were able to avoid certain detours in the past, and there is all the more reason for us to do so now.