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纳扎尔巴耶夫先生将于2012年底任满。The term of Mr Nazarbayev was due to end in late 2012.

奥巴马已经与皇冠出版集团签约,将在总统任满后再写第三本纪实作品。Obama already has a contract to write a third nonfiction book for Crown when he leaves office.

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目前的总干事、来自日本的松浦晃一郎任满两届,将于10月卸任。Current director-general Koichiro Matsuura of Japan steps down in October after two terms at the helm.

五月的早些时候,萨科奇任满周年,我们认为到目前为止他的作为让人失望至极。Our verdict on his first anniversary in early May was that his presidency had, thus far, been a disappointment.

每年年终,我们教会部分的长老和执事任满「退休」,我们于是另觅人选接替他们的工作。At the end of every year in our church some of our elders and deacons complete their term and "retire. " So we elect replacements to fill their shoes.

在克里斯托夫·W·戴尔任满三年津巴布韦大使后,于2007年离开津巴布韦时,在报告中对该国年老、古怪的罗伯特·穆加贝的描述极尽讽刺。As he left Zimbabwe in 2007 after three years as ambassador, Christopher W. Dell wrote a sardonic account of Robert Mugabe, that country’s aging and erratic leader.

共识亦要求问责官员接受严格品格审查,及著政府一年内还原所增开支。他承认八党在制定宪政惯例、局长任满后等安排有分歧。They also agreed that political appointees should be bound by stringent integrity checks and the Government should meet the implementation costs by making savings elsewhere.

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民调是在最高法院法官大卫·索塔宣布他即将离任后的三天公布的,大卫·索塔会在六月下旬任满。The poll's release comes just three days after Supreme Court Justice David Souter announced he would step down from the high court after this year's session ends in late June.

冰岛首相约翰娜·西于尔扎多蒂、利比里亚总统爱伦·约翰森·希尔丽夫、刚任满四届的新西兰首相海伦·克拉克——看起来都是心智健全的。Iceland's prime minister, Jóhanna Sigurardóttir, Liberian president Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and Helen Clark—who has just finished four terms as PM in New Zealand—are all seemingly sane.

佩林女士说她以前就决定在明年任满后不会追求连任,鉴于这个想法,她认为继续工作对她的选民不公平。Ms. Palin said that she had decided not to seek re-election when her term expires at the end of next year and that, given that, she did not think it was fair to her constituents to continue in office.