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艺术的一个基本规律就是以小见大。A basic law of art is to appear to be bigger for a short time.

以小见大、言近旨远,是新时期文学中的散文精品。It is the exquisite prose in the literature of the new period.

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所以,影片有一种以小见大、精彩动人、宁静致远的力量。So this film has a strength that can see big things through small ones.

以碗为主载体,形象生动,以小见大,造型独特,极易令人留下深刻印象。Using a bowl as the main carrier is vivid, typical and unique, easy to impress people.

本文以日常生活的经历入手,上升到青春、生命的高度,属于以小见大的写作手法。Based on the experience of daily life, giving rise to the youth and life height, belong to the writing of gimmick.

他擅长以小见大,选择罗马共和时期的特定历史事件来揭示时代的特征。He was good at making use of the specific events in the Roman republic to describe the characteristics of that time.

我们看到的是阿U的个案,但却能感受到儿童纯真与童趣的共性,以小见大。What we see is a case of A U, but can feel children however pure the general character with Tong Qu, with small see big.

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二是以拍摄这些普通人的日常生活为着眼点来以小见大地展示中国历史的发展变迁。The second is to show the development and changes of Chinese history through photographing the ordinary people's daily life.

中国戏曲音乐中的“以小见大”对其创作思维的影响。The influence on Zhu Jian'er's music creation form the concept of "significance is commonplace" in Chinese traditional opera music.

同时,以小见大的从保证电子政务的角度探讨保障行政公开的法律构建。The reasons for these problems are the leaders having no cognitions of the electronic administrative affair and the lack of the law.

以小见大。花钱,回复电子邮件,清理混乱。自信地做一些小的事情。当你感觉有效果时,你就会接近自己的目标。Sweat the small stuff. Pay bills, remails, clear clutter. Tackling small tasks bolsters self-esteem—when you feel effective, you're closer to your goal.

以小见大,适当造景,强化了了社区参与亲切感,利用草地堆坡的方式,丰富小空间层次。With some landscaping in small places, it strengthened community's participation and intimacy. Besides, SED used grass slope to enrich the spatial level.

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明确本研究运用重庆市区公交车视觉导识系统为例,以点带面、以小见大的研究方式。In this study, the use of a clear urban areas of Chongqing vision guided bus system know as an example, point to face, to see a large study in small ways.

作为音乐灵魂的“二度动机”音程,将一个短小的主题贯穿始终,以小见大,行如流水,浑然一体。With "second time motivation" interval as the soul of music, a small theme runs through the work, which contributes to constituting a harmonious whole piece.

本论文旨在研究满都麦小说的叙事特色,以小见大,探究蒙文小说在新时期发展演变的艺术轨迹。The purpose of this thesis is to study the narrative characteristic of Man du mai's fiction, research into the evolution of contemporary Mongolian fiction art.

采取“以小见大”的叙述策略,从沈钧儒个体生命史中——“速成”式的法政教育、多元的社会角色、苦苦追求宪政法治而未果等透视近代中国法治的艰辛历程。With the narrative strategy of "Great to see small" the, we can perceive the tough process of the rule of law in modern China from Shen Junru's individual life history.

山东民间美术具有代表性,通过对山东民间美术在新时代的传承与创新研究,可以以小见大,推及到更广的中国民间美术传承研究中去。Shandong folk art has feature of representative, it is a more broad way to study Chinese folk art through the study towards inheritance and innovation of Shandong folk art.

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细节描写可以起到以小见大、以少胜多、深化主题、丰满人物形象等作用。Detailed descriptions play such roles as expressing the whole through details, making little better than much, deepening the topic and embodying the image of the characters.

本文以小见大,就部分动物名词在汉英两种语言中蕴含的文化内涵及喻意进行分析和比较,探究中西文化的异同。Because of the influence of national culture, in both English and Chinese there are a lot of vocabularies that have cultural connotative meaning, of which plant nouns are a part.

鞋子这张是扩大负空间的手法,红色的鞋高贵典雅,靴子平民而又普通,二者发生碰撞,以小见大,对当下社会以及人的社会心理活动产生思考。This picture is expanding shoes negative space technique, the red shoes, boots and elegant nobility and ordinary, collision, with both of social and psychological activities of society.