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但是俺已经老得干不了力气活了,所以俺来到北京当乞丐。I decided to go to Beijing and become a beggar.

现在的青年人都不怎么能干力气活了。Now most of the young people are unable to do manual labor.

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搭帐篷确实是一件力气活,完成之时,许多宝贝都已经饥肠辘辘了。Many babies were as hungry as a wolf after the completion of camping.

客房男服务员帮助干一些力气活和搬运设备。Housemen are available to help with some of the heavier work and to move equipment.

你应该多锻炼锻炼了,才干了这么点力气活就抽气得不行。You should exercise more, you've already out of breath after completing such a small task.

好长时间不干力气活了,今天搬完家后胳膊酸不唧儿的难受。I hadn't done any physical work for a long time, and felt my arms aching after moving house.

文章原创,写作也是力气活,引用请注明出处和作者。The article is original, writing is also the strength to live, reference please indicate the source and author.

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还有一些书籍也是不能够丢弃的,都必须原封不动的搬到新的校区,男孩子也还能够胜任这样的力气活。Also won't be able to throw away some books, must be intact moved to the new campus, boys LiQiHuo also to be able to do so.

这是个搬运的力气活,因为美国银行还正在消化一家大型的抵押贷款商Countrywide。It will be a logistical challenge, all the more so since BofA is in the middle of digesting Countrywide, a big mortgage lender.

所以现在她们家有啥力气活,我都主动让老公过去帮忙,不为别的,朋友一场也不能不关照她们啊!So now they have what effort, I took the initiative to let husband goes to help, not for the other, a friend can't take care of them!

戴维是这个小镇上最富有的人啦。不过你常常可以见到他在路边那家简陋的小饭馆里同那些干力气活的边喝酒边聊天。David is the richest man in the small town, but you can always catch sight of him at the greasy spoon at the street where he is talking with the laborers over a pint of beer.