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这才是形式主义的雏形。This is really the origin of formalism.

一个崭新的世界正在他们的身边初现雏形。Around them, a whole new world is taking shape.

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重要的报刊也初现雏形。The great learned journals are in their early phase.

这四个省形成了新国家的雏形。These four provinces formed the original new nation.

但是这也并不意味着他们在处理一个科学雏形问题。But this is not the same as being a kind of proto-science.

这些细胞的雏形叫卵原细胞。In their primitive beginnings, the cells are called oogonia.

里奥托认为这已经是移动支付的雏形。Liautaud says this was an important precursor to mobile money.

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当我20岁的时候,我的熊猫眼略显雏形啦!I started developing my panda eyes when I was about 20 years old!

目前,DARPA的雏形每秒钟能够传送500个动作。Right now, DARPA’s prototypes can transmit 500 events per second.

杯状蚴已具备成虫神经系统的雏形。The Cotylocidium have found to possessing nervous system rudiment.

一个花园式的现代化小学的雏形已基本形成。Garden prototype of a modern primary school has been basically formed.

开花后约两个半月,汁囊雏形形成。Two and a hall months after anthesis, miniature of juice sac was formed.

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忠县涂井溪是渝东早期人工井——雏形井较集中的地方。Tujingxi of Zhongxian County was the centered place of early manpower wells.

当时的雏形是联通中国、吉尔吉斯斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦的中吉乌铁路。China Unicom was the prototype, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan in the Jiwu railway.

这种守口如瓶的习俗可能正是环保的一种雏形。That tight-lipped custom might have been an early form of environmental protection.

这是早期的雏形运动中,人们创造团结统一的方法之一。That was one way that people tried to create unity in this early fledgling movement.

荀子的君权思想和礼法观可谓中国封建正统法律思想的雏形。The monarchic power thoughts of Xunzi is the embryo of Chinese feudalist law theory.

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这些陶文被认为是汉字的雏形。These pottery inscriptions are believed to be an embryonic form of Chinese characters.

这个模型可以是一张图片,一个情节串联图版,一段视频,甚至是一个雏形,什么形式都可以。It could be a picture, a storyboard, a video, or an actual prototype, among other things.

技击地雏形则与阶层、国度发生之后地战争有关。Martial arts the rudiment of criterion and class, country produced after the war related.